Citation: D. V. Manakov, P. A. Vasev. Stochastic Semantics of Big Data (Parallel Computing and Visualization) (2024). Scientific Visualization 16.5: 120 - 150, DOI: 10.26583/sv.16.5.09
First of all the paper considers the problem of verification or formalization of the online visualization and parallel computing system from the point of view of dynamic systems as a development of the theory of computational complexity for random processes. Considering problems involving truly big data inevitably leads to the use of a block approach which is also used in both information theory and stochastic differential equations. As a natural metaphor the graph signals were chosen. This is a graph in nodes, of which a spectral function is defined in the examples considered this is a function of color (RGB), height or amount of data. In parallel computing, a block can be associated with a computing unit (processor) and consider the problem of entropy (performance) maximization. In the developed on-line visualization and concurrent computing system for geometric parallelization, it is possible to implement and compare a stationary random process (equiprobable messages implemented using broadcasting and mixins) and a steady-state random process (point-to-point messages), which have different analytical solutions. Together, this allows concluding that the proposed implementation of a stationary process has a certain novelty; in addition, it was intended to be more convenient for automated parallelization. The problems of automatic load balancing (interpolation problem) and optimal scalability of parallel computing (extrapolation problem) are also considered. Not much has been done in the field of visualization verification for example a mesh visualization has been proposed to be considered as a parameterized model of a white-noise random process. Of course, this work cannot be considered complete, but the direction that the authors called stochastic semantics is obviously promising.
The authors intend to take a close look at the established perturbed processes in the field of visualizations including those that take into account the human factor (the sketches of the formalization in the form of a discussion are given).
Keywords: signal graphs (graph signals), dynamic systems, load balancing, entropy, visualization of a digital surface model.
There is such a theoretical
direction as software verification. Since visualization is technically also a
calculation we would like to have a common mathematical verification model for
both software and visualization. Visualization verification is a formal
(mathematical) proof that the visualization is correct. The developed
mathematical models should answer the question whether we have correctly solved
the problem set by the user, evaluate the quality and effectiveness of
visualization and evaluate the prospects for the development of modern trends
in the field of visualization. In particular virtual reality (VR), web-based
visualization, online visualization, big data and parallel computing.
For verification, stochastic
differential equations (SDE) are chosen as the basic model, as the most general
solution that takes into account noise, in combination with information theory.
This hypothesis is called stochastic semantics.
The initial model of image
processing is the noise reduction model, which has become widespread, in
particular, due to the proliferation of packages such as
“Stable Diffusion“, which generate an image from text. Three
variants of noise reduction are described [1]:
As noted, the first two models
are a special case of the diffusion process, which can probably be obtained
using the Markov property, which is not enough from the point of view of
verification. In principle, other works on this topic also use an engineering
approach, that is, they show with examples that the model is working, and
validation is performed with insufficient verification (plausibility is usually
used). The most widely used approach is estimated networks with conditional
noise. In the same paper [1], it is said that it is used to solve the transport
problem namely to generate a superresolution. This approach is also known as
baking. You can also refer for example to baking normal in Blender.
In principle, the same
approaches are used for speech recognition in this case, the spectrum consists
of phonemes in terms of visualization the spectrum is RGB.
We can recommend to study the
book [2] on image processing on signal graphs (a special case of SDE) with sufficiently
transparent mathematics. A signal graph is a network whose nodes contain
function values. Therefore, you can define differentiation operators in the
nodes and edges of the graph and proceed to partial differential SDE.
Initially, signal graphs were used in electrical engineering where
the approaches under consideration are a problem of automatic control the
purpose of which is to construct a transfer function, for example, according to
Mason's formula. The diffusion method is also used for load balancing [3].
At the same time, i would like
to see a certain pragmatism in addition to theory, for example, the use of
modeling to solve specific problems. In this paper, two problems are presented
one in the field of parallel computing the other in the field of visualization:
formalization of a dynamic system (DS) of the online visualization and parallel
computing on signal graphs, visualization of grids as a parameterized model of
a white-noise random process.
Let us consider the visualization
(interactive process and animation) from the point of view of dynamic systems.
We define a visual process simultaneously as a parallel process considered as
interacting sequential processes (Hoare’s
from the programming point of view and as a random process from the point of
view of mathematical modeling. A random process is a parameterized set (family)
of random variables [4]. However, unlike typical SDE models two linearly
independent parameters are introduced: the amount of data and time (two random
variables) -
the Cartesian product or currying depending on the model. Information theory is
needed to move from the product to the sum using the additivity property
entropy. That is we define a random process as a composition of functions:
Moreover, the amount (volume) of data
be arbitrarily large, for example, it is not included in the operational memory
of a single processor.
In general, it is necessary to
consider the sum of such compositions, for example, the composition for two
types of random events such as messaging and reactive computing. We note some
differences between the general case and the Kolmogorov-Arnold theorem, which
states that every multidimensional continuous function can be represented as a
superposition of continuous functions of one variable:
The paper uses a probabilistic approach (random processes are
considered) it is probably possible (it is necessary in the future) to switch
from SDE and information theory to weak KAM [5] and mean field theory.
The function of many variables is enhanced by the spectral
property in fact it is vector functions of many variables.
Data filtering is considered as a special case of reactive
computing. The order of filter execution is important for the filter pipeline.
Unlike the amount of information, the assessment of information
quality is subjective. An important task is to formally define concepts such as
context, quality, cognitiveness and perceptivity of information in a way that
reduces the level of subjectivity, so that can use SDE or weak KAM to solve
tasks. In the field of visualization, the solution of the inverse problem is
often considered (in category theory, the concept of the inverse limit is
introduced), for example, one can propose such a type of display that it is
continuous from the point of view of visual perception (perceptual continuity).
For software verification, as
well as for visualization, along with denotational semantics, event structures
can also be used by SDE. Stochastic semantics can be defined as game semantics
with noise, or you can immediately use SDE. Although these two approaches are
equivalent and the data flow model is considered in relation to programming
they result in different mathematical models.
Verification is based on the
transition from declarative definitions to formal (verifiable) definitions. In
[6], the semiotic definition of the visualization metaphor is considered as a
continuous mapping of the source set to the target set. At the same time, only
the continuity property is added to the standard definition of a metaphor
according to Lakoff [7]. A similar and most well-known approach in the field of
software verification is Scott's denotational semantics [8]. Because of applying
an axiomatic (semiotic) approach to formalization of visualization and parallel
data filtering some analog of the stochastic control problem with morphological
uncertainty is obtained. The result obtained is more mental (useful for
understanding the nature of the phenomenon) than mathematical. In this paper,
we consider problems within the framework of a priori uncertainty, namely SDE
and information theory.
Consideration of problems
related to really big data inevitably leads to the use of a block approach,
which is also used in information theory and stochastic differential equations.
Big data is the extreme (at the moment) case of data processing, in which
universal approaches to analysis and visualization do not work or are
ineffective. Then multidimensional and multi-categorical data, large-volume
data, or data with incomplete information (a model with uncertainty) can be
considered as big data. The limit case forms the challenges that need to be
answered in order to move on. Solving emerging problems leads to the fact that
today's “big data” becomes the norm tomorrow [9]. When analyzing and
visualizing big data, the consideration of marginal uncertainty it is the
uncertainty that has a finite limit in a particular metrized topology is
forced. Since computable models are being developed, we will explain this
definition using the example of a computable function, which uses a special
element in its definition, meaning the uncertainty corresponding to the case
when the algorithm hangs. Since the process is considered, the algorithm cannot
hang it is always interactively resolved as a result of debugging the
correctness and efficiency of the program. Why hasn't the asymptotic theory of
algorithms or automata predicted by R. L. Stratonovich been proposed so far?
Parallel computing is a
generator of more data.
In some cases,
instead of storing all the data it is preferable to process it using visual
analytics and then decide whether this data is needed. As a result, there is a
need to implement online visualization. If you need to store data, then it should
be placed not on the client, but in the cloud or on a parallel file system, as
a result, there is a need to implement remote visualization. Online and remote
visualization tasks are architecturally very similar, so there should be a
single development environment for such programs. As already mentioned,
visualization is the same as computing so
unified online visualization and parallel computing environment is being
developed. In [10], the main attention is paid to the validation of this
environment, including the problem of load balancing by means of visual
analytics. In this case, we will focus on verification, namely, the
formalization of a dynamic system of online visualization and parallel
computing. The main attention is paid to evaluating the efficiency of parallel
programs, which takes into account the amount of data, namely, the problems of
maximizing entropy for block models, where the block processor has physical and
logical levels.
Before proceeding to
formalization, let's list the main specifications of the online visualization
and parallel computing environments:
Versatility of the system-online visualization and parallel
Consideration from the point of view of dynamic systems.
Applicability of parametric (parameterized) models, including
control via parameters.
First, visualization is
technically a computation (of course, with some special features), so we can
offer a universal programming method, including a programming language that
will allow you to effectively implement visualization algorithms, their
connection with parallel computing programs, and these programs themselves,
that is, arbitrary computational algorithms.
Secondly, this environment is
built around the idea of presenting a parallel computing process in
the form of a set of dependent tasks [11]. Task dependency means that the input
arguments for some task are determined by the results of calculating other
tasks. The list of tasks and dependencies between them is determined by a
custom algorithm, which can take either the form of a final calculation or a
random process. Delays that occur before receiving and transmitting data will
be considered as noise, which ideally tends to zero. Tasks are sent as input to
the scheduling process, which determines on which computing node a particular
task should be performed. Then, as dependencies are resolved, tasks are
executed. Naturally, the efficiency of the entire parallel computation depends
on the quality of the planning algorithm used. The assignment of a task to a
node is called an assignment. The set of such assignments and dependencies
between tasks will be called an execution plan. We emphasize that the execution
plan is built over time, as tasks and their arguments (data) are received. As a
result, a load balancing formula was proposed experimentally in [10].One of the
tasks of this paper is to show that the formula corresponds to the problem of
interpolation on signal graphs [2]. For which the function value should be
defined in nodes. This function can be considered time-dependent, but the real
value of the data transfer time can only be obtained after a certain step of
program execution, i.e. offline, which is unacceptable. Therefore, in this
case, we consider a function that depends on the amount of data (similar to
computational complexity). Indeed, the complexity of a parallel algorithm issometimes
defined as the ratio of the complexity of data transmission to the complexity
of a sequential algorithm, for example, as
Of course, this is a rough expert
assessment. The question arises: is it possible to refine this estimate, for
example, by defining the transfer function in terms of a canonical
decomposition, for example, Taylor?
Third, the most important
feature of the online visualization and parallel computing environment is the
ability to control both calculations and visualization through parameters. For
example, parallel rendering can be organized not as a loop that depends on the
camera position, but as a reactive calculation. Such approaches not only save
memory, but are also in demand for research tasks, in addition, they are
formalized using CDS. As an example, we will consider visualization of grids as
a parameterized model of a white-noise random processor. In particular, for
visualizing a digital surface model.
Let's move on to formalizing
the dynamic system of online visualization and parallel computing. In addition
to the formal description of this automated programming system, as already
noted, we are interested in two tasks: automatic load balancing and evaluating
the efficiency of parallel computing, taking into account the amount of data.
Let's consider the construction
of a universal algebra, which we will call the process structure:
the set of natural numbers which displays object identifiers,
the logical time that depends on a list of random events.
We define the goal of automatic
load balancing as follows: for any
pu process,
construct a binary
homomorphic mapping from the process structure
is a signal graph that
maps the process to CO-OPN (Concurrent Object-Oriented Petri Nets [12]) with
minimal noise (delays):
Further analysis showed that Polish
spaces are considered.
A Polish space is a space that
is homeomorphic to a complete metric space with a countably dense subset. In
particular, in the field of visualization, we consider an example for a
separable Banach space. Thus, there is a possibility to switch to weak KAM.
CO-OPN, a parallel
object-oriented Petri net – is one of the most well-known implementations of
the algebraic Petri net. A petri net is a discrete dynamical system (directed
bipartite graph) specially designed for parallel computing. Since any tree,
including a syntax tree can be represented as a bipartite directed graph, the
homomorphic image of this map
cannot be anything other than
modifications of Petri nets. The motivation for using signal graphs is to
obtain an autonomous system of differential equations. A similar approach to
the use of signal graphs is graph-symbolic programming [13]. (You can also cite
other examples of graph programming automation, for example, information
graphs. Probably the list of works on this topic is extensive, but the authors
focus not on programming, but on formalization, in particular on the
development of computational complexity theory for parallel computations). In
our opinion, the introduction of the arc type (sequential, parallel,
terminating) is superfluous, since there is a concept of a graph path. From the
point of view of programming automation and in order to avoid unnecessary
copying of data, and possibly getting into the cache,
the rule of maximizing the path of the signal graph (task graph) on each
processor should be fulfilled, which can be represented as a function of price.
In the Petri net, there is a concept of transition, similarly, in
graph-symbolic programming, the predicate label is used, and in the dynamic
system of online visualization and parallel computing, the standard language
constructs futures (promise) and mixins are implemented at the lower level, but
in a parallel version. A promise is a predicate that depends on the data type
(object parameters). In this case, there is a direct analogy with colored
functional Petri nets. An impurity is a predicate that depends on the processor
number, and therefore depends on the parallelization scheme. In the context of
big data, impurity implementation is a significant addition to Petri nets.
Further, we will show that from the point of view of information theory, an
effective implementation of admixtures should be based on broadcasting and vector
routing of streams, in particular on message buffering. Some examples of
impurities will also be given.
The logical time determines the
order of events. Two types of events are possible in the DS: reactive computing
and message exchange. Since entropy is additive, from the point of view of
information theory, these two problems can be considered independently, for
example, you can enter two logical times. Although the authors are interested
in formalizing tasks related to messaging, we will focus a little on reactive
In reactive computing, a random
event is a change in the value of a parameter (online or offline). By analogy
with abstract data types, this approach is called parameter abstraction.
The simplest implementation of online visualization, but probably
not the most effective, is offline parameter change. That is, all the data of
the current iteration are on the client, while the user is engaged in visual
analytics, the next iteration can be calculated on the computer. In this case,
there is no problem with establishing the order of events, so two orthogonal
logical times can be introduced. Formally, the abstraction of parameters can be
considered as a lambda application and, for example, the apparatus of category
theory can be used. Formally, parameter abstraction can be considered as a
lambda application and can be applied to the apparatus of category theory.
Although a monad is defined as a functor with an additional structure in the
context of big data, there are fundamental differences between the two. For
functors, there is no problem of asymptotic convergence; it is sufficient that
the parameters are linearly independent or that the multiplicativity property is
satisfied (in category theory the term currying is used). For monads,
convergence can be considered if a repeated integral through a multiple
integral is defined, for example, for lattices, space – filling curves,
tessellations, random graphs, otherwise reducing a syntax tree or graph of
tasks is a discrete optimization problem on graphs. In fact, in DS, a promise
is a monad. Thus, the structure of processes is not just a construction of a
universal algebra, but an algebraic system. a signature is a set of functional
and predicate symbols with their arities.
Problems related to the
exchange of messages will be considered from the position of a priori
uncertainty, although the authors assume the answer. So evaluating the
effectiveness of parallel computing -
This is an inhomogeneous Markov
control problem, where the right-hand side of the equation is equal to the
number of blocks (processors) in the block model. Therefore, the problem of
automatic load balancing (scheduling algorithm) corresponds to the problem of
interpolation on signal graphs. A scheduling algorithm is an algorithm that
selects which executor should perform a particular task. Since the amount of
RAM on different classes of processors is different (and perhaps
not known in advance), the transport problem can be considered as a
solution, for example, with a variable number of outputs. It seems that there
is a solution to this statement, like the problem of automatic control, it is constructing
a transfer function using the Hurwitz polynomial, but the DS uses a different
approach: if there is not enough memory, the task is transferred to another
executor as a result, load unbalancing is possible. For the purpose of
generalizing modeling we will refer to the executor as a processor.
Let's consider the problem of
interpolation on signal graphs. To get started in the visualization area, see
Figure 1.
Let be a function
a subset of the vertices of the graph with known values. The interpolation
problem is reduced to considering the equation:
In the original source [2], the Laplacian is defined in a specific way for
isotropic and anisotropic diffusion processes (in fact, the Nabla operator is
redefined), which is not essential for further reasoning. Simple examples of
parallelization such as isotropic diffusion processes are considered in this
paper. The authors believe that such examples of parallelization as discrete
optimization problems on graphs and the solution of
of linear algebraic equations by the Cholesky method are anisotropic diffusion
Figure 1:
Interpolation scheme [2]
The algorithm
is designed to dynamically distribute the task graph among processors, so that
they are not idle. For the problem [14] of parallelizing a one-dimensional
array on a line of processors with a shadow face of one width, that is at each
iteration step the function was calculated
is the average value of the function at the previous step.
Experimentally, in combination with visual analytics, the following load
balancing formula was obtained [10]:
where the mathematical
expectation of the processor load is the lowest value of the processor load
(the next task is assigned to the executor with
the lowest value
is the number of task arguments, missing from the executor cache,
is the current size of the list of assigned and still unresolved
tasks (message queues). The computational complexity of pyramid (optimal) queue
processing has a logarithmic relationship. One of the problems was the selection
of the coefficient
It can be assumed that it is a characteristic of the
parallelization architecture and is equal to the ratio of the (physical)
channel bandwidth to the processor's computing speed.
To get to the
general case, let's consider another scheme of geometric parallelization: a
uniform distribution of data (a two-dimensional array) across processors is
is the amount of data on each processor,
is a variable parameter,
The interpolation problem for load balancing is written as
Obviously, for
the example under consideration, 2n is the length of the message. In accordance
with the Markov property of diffusion processes [4]
(white noise is
considered, the general name is the Poisson problem, and the other term
corresponds to the Dirichlet problem).
A stochastic
process has the Markov property if the conditional probability distribution of
future states of the process depends only on the current state, and not on the
sequence of events that preceded it.
Instead of a
mathematical formulation of the Markov property, a reference to the following
example is sufficient.
Example 7.3.4.
Brownian n-dimensional motion is, of course, the solution of a stochastic
differential equation:
Thus, the
generating operator
of the process
(Brownian n-dimensional motion) has the form:
For the
general case, the following load balancing formula is quite plausible:
is the width of the shadow face,
is the number of expected messages, not the
number of task arguments that are missing from the executor's cache, since
message buffering must be used for optimization purposes.
The current
direction in programming is vector flow routing. We will briefly focus only on
message buffering. In practice, you need to consider the average message length
in the number of buffers (the useful buffer size is a constant). Obviously, buffering
short messages significantly increases the speed of exchanges, and for long
messages it is no worse, therefore, for messages of arbitrary length, it is
also advantageous to use buffering. Since synchronization commands are
characterized by high latency of short messages, and buffering is not always
possible, there is a desire to abandon synchronization, and nondeterministic
messages will be considered further.
Although the
load balancing formula looks quite plausible from the point of view of an expert
programmer, the authors promised to consider the tasks set within the framework
of a priori uncertainty, namely, SDE and information theory.
With any
formalization, a certain idealization is inevitable. Although the authors focus
on the messaging model, this model is also applicable for other parallel
architectures: for shared memory and accelerators, with minor additions.
Modeling is based on the application of R. L. Stratonovich's monograph: "Information
Theory" [15], which fundamentally rejected the use of special terms of
information theory in order to generalize it and thermodynamics. The authors,
on the contrary, intend to explain some formulas in terms of information theory
and CDE. R. L .Stratonovich considered the encoding (transmission) of
information, the authors consider the transmission (exchange) of messages,
which is basically the same thing.
The maximum
value of entropy is called the bandwidth (information capacity) of a channel
(computer, parallel program) without interference. Consider the problem of
maximizing entropy (performance) while maximizing the path of a signal graph on
each processor, which, indeed, resembles the formulation of the transport
problem of fractional-linear programming: maximizing matchings while maximizing
prejudice to the theory, the concept of “messages” can be replaced by the
concept of “random variable", the concept of” “message sequence” by ”random
process". So the amount of information in the context of probability
theory is represented as the average entropy:
is a discrete random variable, and
is its probability distribution.
This formula
is a consequence (in an asymptotic sense) of the Hartley formula, for non-probable events, which is
represented as a random entropy (that is, entropy is a random variable) as:
with the normalization condition:
Naturally, the
average entropy is the average value of random entropies:
The authors
would prefer to present information theory immediately in terms of SDE. So, in
the case of a continuous random variable, is it possible to use the Ito
integral instead of the sum, since it is known that the differential entropy is
unlimited? And the solution is
also known: we must consider the normalized entropy, which in the context of
fuzzy sets is called improbability entropy, or: we must consider the
Radon-Nikodim derivative.
When defining
the structure of processes, the property of additivity of entropy was mentioned
Theorem 1.3.
If the random variables
are independent, then the total (joint) entropy
decomposes into the sum of the entropies:
Theorem 1.4.
Entropy has the property of hierarchical additivity:
– conditional entropy.
This property
is used in practical terms when implementing mixins. Consider a problem for
which we need to calculate the mathematical expectation
is the average value of the function on the
Based on the sequential option, in order to increase
efficiency, we can offer pairwise pyramid summation, but in this case the
messages will be point-to-point, that is, non-probable, and the channel is not
symmetrical. Perhaps for a small number of processors, this option will be more
efficient than the implementation taking into account the hierarchical
additivity property: Using broadcasting, summation should be performed on each
processor, while the selection tree on each processor will be different, but
the conditional entropy on each processor will still tend to zero. This
parallelization scheme is similar to the master-worker scheme without
synchronization, for which each processor is both a master and a worker.
To implement a
selection tree, each processor must have at least two (physical) bidirectional
communication channels, where k is the number of processor channels similar to
the number of letters of the alphabet (for a multi – core architecture, k is
the number of cores, but the selection tree is directed in the other direction,
similar to pyramid summation). In addition, there is a not entirely correct
opinion that the result of summation depends on the order of summation. In the
case of entropy stability, all implementations of summation will be
approximately equal.
Amdahl's law
illustrates the limitation of the performance growth of a computer system with
an increase in the number of computers (processors), which is formulated as a
well-studied Bernoulli distribution. That is, Amdahl's law is a special case
from the point of view of information theory and does not take into account the
exchange of messages. Due to the property of additivity of entropy, these two
problems can be considered independently. In addition, for geometric
parallelization with a fixed amount of data, the share of sequential
calculations is inversely proportional to the number of processors, that is, it
tends to zero with the number of processors tending to infinity, therefore,
when evaluating performance, only the exchange of messages should be taken into
account. When considering the general case, we need not only the equality of
processors, but also the equal probability of messages (asynchronous
non-deterministic messages, stationary process by the number of processors).
Since the cluster architecture is most widely used, in which exchanges are
carried out via a common bus (we can also consider a k-tree), such an
idealization is justified, in addition, the channels are two-way, so we can
assume that the path length for asynchronous messages is one, and for
synchronized exchanges it is two. The path length is a constant that depends on
the message type and the architecture of the computer, which must be multiplied
by the average message length.
In fact, equal
probability of messages is not required. You can consider deterministic
messages (a steady-state process), for example, the data grid on the processor
grid, but this is a rather narrow class of problems. anisotropic diffusion
processes and multiple integrals are considered as an extension of the class of
The concept of
entropic stability of a family of random variables helps to give a general
formulation of the property of asymptotic equivalence of non-equiprobable
possibilities (messages) to equally probable ones.
A family of
random variables
is entropically stable if the ratio
converges to unity in probability. This means that
whatever they may be
there is
such that the inequality holds:
for any
The definition
implies that all
does not decrease with increasing
The fact of
asymptotic equiprobability can be formulated using the concept of entropic
stability in the form of the following theorem.
Theorem 1.9.
If a family of random variables
is entropically stable, then the set of realizations of each
random variable can be divided into two subsets
in such a way that
The total probability of the subset
Realizations of the second subset
become relatively equiprobable in the sense of the relation
The number
of realizations of the set
is related to the entropy
nn by the relation
Here are some
comments on entropic stability. From the point of view of SDE, the definition
of entropic stability can be considered as a generalization of the Ito integral
through the probability limit: The ratio
is the relative entropy or Kullback-Leibler
distance for a uniform distribution. In this case, the notation
In information
theory, the main focus is on current coding but another approach, which can be
called block-based, is also considered. In this case, the final set (block) of
elementary messages must be encoded. If the block is an entropy-stable value,
then the probability of losing some of the message implementations is quite
small. As already noted, instead of encoding messages, you can consider message
transmission, and the maximum value of entropy is called the bandwidth of the
channel without interference. Let us consider the problem of maximizing entropy
in the case of the block approach. As a comment, we note that this problem
is equivalent to the Kullback-Leibler distance
minimization problem
also called
the maximum likelihood problem. In our interpretation, a block is a processor
that must be entropically stable, that is, a PROCESSOR=MARKOV PROCESS, taking
into account hardware and software implementations, as well as the entire
computer. If we consider the problem of fault tolerance for a Markov process,
then one additional processor is sufficient for its implementation (the average
probability of failure of one processor is very small), and events associated
with replacing one processor with another do not affect the performance of
calculations (without taking into account data saving and recovery).
The part of
the task that is implemented on the processor (block) must be a Markov process.
Here are some
examples of block Markov processes.
The authors
constantly refer to geometric parallelization, since in this case the
interpretation is quite clear. The data located in the block is an open set, since
there are shadow faces. The total measure on the boundary of the set must be
less than the measure of the interior of the set. In fact, this is a variant of
the Chebyshev inequality, which is actively used in proving theorems.
In principle,
we can consider a graph (of tasks on the processor) of a rather arbitrary
structure. Without diminishing generality, we can consider the Radon-Nikodim
derivative by introducing two measures, and, consequently, a random process:
is a measure defined in the nodes of the graph and depends on their number,
is a measure defined on the arcs or border of the graph.
relations are also valid for signal graphs, for example, the number of nearest
neighboring vertices. It is also applicable in other areas of knowledge, for
example, for
visualization, in particular, knowledge anthologies. “For a hypergraph h with a
given set of nodes
a given set of edges
and a set of corresponding values of the incidence matrix {𝑎}, the information
(h) has the following
form [16]:”
Although the
incidence matrix is used to reduce graphs, including Petri nets, in the authors
' opinion, the use of the determinant of the incidence matrix in the base of
the logarithm is not justified.
Let us
describe the Kullback-Leibler distance minimization problem:
In fact,
is the relative entropy, and the conditional entropy tends to zero.
A well-known example
is the case when the choice tree is bounded from above by a
which in information theory is called optimal encoding of decipherable Kraft
Theorem 2.3.
It is possible to specify such a method of encoding (transmitting)
equidistributed independent messages that
In our
is the average path length between computer nodes, and
the number of
processor channels (in the original, the number of letters in the alphabet). In
the case of message exchange via a shared bus, we can assume that
therefore, the average path length betweenthe computer nodes is
equal to one, which corresponds to the expert approach. In the case of the
block approach, the following theorem applies.
Theorem 2.4.
There are ways to encode an infinite message such that the average length of an
elementary message can be made arbitrarily close to
Such estimates
for the average path length are applicable not only for the hardware
architecture of the computer, but also at the logical level for graphs in the
space -
Useful references are out-of-core algorithms (k-tree data
restructuring) [17] and “Polynomial approximate scheme for the problem of
cyclic covering of a graph of fixed size
k in a Euclidean space of
arbitrary fixed dimension” (discrete optimization) [18].
Since the
processor does not exchange messages with itself, you can introduce the concept
of subentropy, for example, for equally probable messages, similar to the
definition of subfactorial. Subfactorial
is defined as the number of
disorders of order n, that is, permutations
of an n-element set without
fixed points. In the case of asymptotic convergence, the equiprobability of
messages is not mandatory, as is the consideration of subentropy. In [19], it
is shown that in classical information theory, the subentropy dual of the von
Neumann subentropy, defined through permutations of the pairwise eigenvalue
difference, is an exact lower bound on the channel throughput and its
calculation corresponds to the Kullback-Leibler distance minimization problem.
Depending on
the task, the message length between different processors may not be the same.
In this case, the main characteristic is the average message length. Let us
consider a direct method for calculating the maximum entropy for this example,
which corresponds to section 3.1. Let there
processors -
that transmit messages of length
respectively. The
total message length
will be
We fix this length
and count the number
of different implementations of this length. Maximum information
is obtained when all of the
possibilities are equally probable. At the same time
Taking the limit
we obtain the entropy calculated per unit length. That is, it
suffices to consider the solution in the case of asymptotic convergence of a
linear homogeneous equation which has the form -
The solution has a
unique root with maximal real part
Andso, the number of different implementations of length
has the form:
The same
result can be obtained from solving the first variational problem. We restrict
ourselves to only considering a discrete channel without interference (a
general statement of the problem). The system
completely characterizes the discrete channel without interference
the penalty function is
(microcanonical distribution). In particular,
It is more convenient to consider the canonical distribution -
The bandwidth
or information capacity of the channel
is defined as the maximum value of entropy -
Thus, the channel
capacity is defined as the solution of variational problemsand. Note that it is
equivalent to the problem of minimizing risks (time delays). The equivalence of
the microcanonical and canonical distributions is proved. In the context of
this paper, Amdahl's law is a microcanonical distribution, and the corresponding
canonical distribution is the Bernoulli distribution. We also emphasize that
the problem of maximizing the performance (entropy) of parallel computing is
To illustrate
the importance of the average message length, here is an example of the
performance behavior of a parallel program with a fixed amount of data and a
variable number of processors. As the number of processors increases, the
average message length in the number of buffers may decrease by one and as a result
of the exponential dependence on the message length, there should be a jump in
performance. Thus, the message length may depend, as well as the percentage of
consecutive computations, on the number of processors (a variable parameter
essentially similar to time). Therefore, we need to consider the solution of a
linear inhomogeneous equation, and first write out the penalty function.
In the context
of high-performance computing, there are two indicators of scalability:
Strong scalability-shows how the time
to solve a problem changes with an increase in the number of processors (or
computing nodes) while the total task volume remains unchanged.
Weak scalability-shows how the time to
solve a problem changes with an increase in the number of processors (nodes)
while the task size for one processor (or node) remains unchanged.
scalability (an estimate of parallel computing performance that takes into
account both the amount of data and the number of processors) is a non-uniform
Markov control problem, where the right-hand side of the equation is equal to
the number of blocks (processors) in the block model. Of course, this is
another plausible hypothesis.
By optimal
scalability, we will understand the case when the channel throughput is defined
as the solution of a variational problem, that is, the entropy can be written
out explicitly. First, you need to define the penalty function (for a discrete
channel), which depends on two parameters: the amount of data and the number of
processors –
is the share of consecutive calculations of the
total processor,
is the average path length (recall that for equally probable
messages, it is equal to one). In addition, the use of signal graphs was
previously assumed as a development of ideas of computational complexity that
is -
which will lead to
the consideration of the second variational problem.
Next, we will
try to find a similar penalty function in information theory. To quote
paragraph 3.5 the potential method for a large number of parameters: "The
penalty function depends on a numerical parameter and is differentiable with
respect to this parameter.” In our case, by the number of processors (blocks)
is -
The authors do not see much point in rewriting the known
formulas in other notations. However, here is one definition. Function -
is called a random internal
(endogenous) thermodynamic parameter conjugated with the external (exogenous)
Later in the same section, we consider an example with two
random variables, in our case, the message length and the proportion of
consecutive calculations that are obtained from solving a system of two
equations with two unknowns. Thus, the analytical solution of the problem under
consideration is known.
The analytical
solution can be used to determine interference in the computer. Consequently,
there is a need to develop adequate models for processing statistical data on
the performance of parallel computing, including for the following task. So
far, only stationary processes have been considered. Using mixins, a stationary
process can be implemented in the DS for the task graph with some overhead
costs relative to the share of sequential calculations (obviously, the Chebyshev
inequality must be fulfilled, that is the more data in a block, the lower the
share of overhead costs, probably we should consider the channel with
interference (paragraph 7)) and reading messages (recall that the message queue
size tends to infinity, which corresponds to white noise). In the case of
geometric parallelization, you can implement and compare a stationary process
and a steady-state process (point-to-point messages). An analytical solution
for the latter is also known in information theory (although the term
steady-state process is not used and parallel computing has not been considered).
To do this, we introduce the concept of communication information (in our case,
graph arcs), naturally, through a conditional probability, through it A
symmetric channel is also defined, naturally, using permutations, respectively
paragraphs 6 and 8. In this case, the conditional distribution at the channel
output for a fixed input signal is assumed to be known (in fact, the transfer
function is constructed).
The channel
is the maximum value
of the communication information between the input and output:
In the case of
a fully symmetric channel (processor grid), the formula looks quite simple
In the case of
a uniform distribution, the formula has the following form:
is an auxiliary measure based on which the intervals are
However, this
formula is performed only on the core (in the core) or in the case of shared
memory, since in the cases considered [14], the penalty function depends on one
variable. For geometric parallelization, you can reduce the dependencies to a
single variable, taking into account that for a fixed amount of data, the share
of sequential calculations is inversely proportional to the number of
processors, that is, it tends to zero (but not zero) with the number of
processors tending to infinity. The more data on the processor, the better the
balance of calculations, which leads to a certain contradiction.
In practical
terms, it is more important to follow certain programming rules when developing
parallel programs, starting with a binary homomorphic map and ending with a
steady-state process. If the graph of strong scalability corresponds to a
logarithmic function, then the parallel program can be considered a steady-state
process in terms of the number of blocks (if strictly, then we should consider
the linear filtering problem [4]: systems with noise and measurements with noise).
In order to increase productivity, we can consider the following extrapolation
problem [6] (prediction [4]) up to the point of stopping:
is known, we need to find
while maximizing entropy,
which the authors just call the inhomogeneous Markov control problem. Since the
general solution of an inhomogeneous equation is the sum of the fundamental
system of solutions and the partial solution, consideration of an inhomogeneous
problem automatically leads to an increase in entropy and reduces the dimension
of the system of homogeneous equations (in our case, to one). An inhomogeneous
problem can be obtained from random time replacement in [6], the entropy
or fractional linearization on the kernel was considered)
differentiating by the average message length.
At the boundary, the condition
corresponding to linear acceleration (maximization of entropy) must be
satisfied -
statistical data are processed, we need to switch to Markov chains (solving a
linear system of algebraic equations), which will be the best approximation of
the problem of maximizing the efficiency of parallel calculations of the
message exchange model -
is the message exchange matrix (adjacency matrix). The main
diagonal shows the average time of sequential block calculations while the
other elements correspond to the average message transfer time between
processors, it is assumed that the parallelization scheme does not change (does
not depend on the iteration number).
The message
exchange matrix will be close to symmetric, since a response message of the
same length should presumably take a little longer. In such cases, we consider
a Dirichlet problem with stochastic control of the form regulator with
incomplete information about the state of the system, let's call it a
stochastic information management problem. But on the other hand, this matrix
will have a different symmetry associated with the load balanced calculations,
a parallelization scheme, and the definition of a symmetric channel.
We can assume
that the eigenvalues are responsible for the method of parallelization. It is
important that the result is a matrix of certain templates, so for the
master-worker scheme, the main diagonal and
and i-column are not zero (
is the number of the processor on which the master is located). A
three-diagonal matrix is obtained for the pipeline or processor line, a five-diagonal
matrix is obtained for the grid and so on.
Let's take a
closer look at the master-worker scheme. The adjacency matrix has the following
The system is
not compatible only when
time without taking into account data preparation and saving, i.e.
the master does not do the calculation. From the last equation it is easy to
In the space
the entropy increment (the shift coefficient in
the diffusion process) is
Taking into
account the computational complexity of the algorithm
(diffusion coefficient) and
for example,
and load balancing by the number of processors the entropy
increment has the form:
It turns out
that the more complex the algorithm, the better it parallelizes (scales). If we
(the maximum entropy value is one), we get the expression
terms of p.
Of course, the above estimate is rough, but we can
consider a parameterized model of a white-noise random process, since the
entropy function is always
(for more
information, see the section on visualization). This function is a harmonic
function (a property of the mean), therefore, the consideration of the moving
boundary problem is justified, which is called the Jacobi problem in SDE [4].
To prove that
the penalty function is written correctly, we can compare the graphs of the
Dirichlet beta distribution function and the efficiency of parallel
calculations for the problem of solving system of linear algebraic equations by
the Cholesky method [20] in the case of balanced calculations, see
Figure 2.
Dirichlet distribution and
Figure 2: On the left,
there is Beta function, on the right,
there is efficiency of parallel computing
From the point
of view of visual verification, the graphs are similar.
The block approach in SDE is
used quite often, for example, in the global model of earth seismicity [21],
but the number of blocks is fixed (for example, the number of lithospheric
plates). Unfortunately, the authors could not find any examples where the
number of blocks is a variable parameter. And this problem is relevant, not
only for the problem of predicting the performance of parallel computing, but
also for other extrapolation problems (in the general case, stochastic
information management problems), which are given below.
Let us consider a similar
example from the field of economics-the analysis of data from the Accounting Chamber.
A matrix of deliveries by (mobile) region numbers is generated (Figure 3) and a
harmonic function is defined the ratio of the sum of deliveries in the region
to the number of firms in the region, its value between regions is displayed as
spheres in the corresponding matrix elements. We can see that by rearranging
rows from this matrix, you can get a matrix close to symmetric, taking into
account the fact that they always order more than necessary (the exact upper
bound is determined). Although the role of the regulator is important in the
economy, it is also related to the rate of profit and the level of corruption,
let's just consider whether the information gap between Moscow and other
regions is narrowing. We define the information gap measure as the ratio of
multidimensional distance to geographical distance, which is an auxiliary
measure in the Radon-Nikodim derivative). If we consider the ratio of
information gaps in the extrapolation problem, the auxiliary measure will be
reduced. If the ratio measure increases, the information gap will shrink and
vice versa. Now let's look at the same problem when a new region is added. Us it
has already been considered, the number of blocks (regions) is a variable
parameter. Typical clustering problems can also be considered, but from the
point of view of dissipative systems – the formation of new clusters. The same
model is used to analyze the distribution of information in Internet networks,
where the parameter is not the number of regions, but the number of information
channels (blogs, etc.).
Figure 3: Delivery matrix by region
Next, we will look at some
examples of stochastic visual information management problems, focusing on the
application of the block approach in visualization.
Sinkhorn (Sinkhorn neural
networks based on the Sinkhorn theorem [22] are used to solve a wide class of
transport problems; super-resolution, comparison of two distributions. It is
argued that these networks are better in terms of speed and number of
parameters than generative maximum likelihood networks. Next, we will consider
the possibility of using SDS for problems on (signal) graphs as an alternative
to the traditional use of neural networks. For parallel calculations, the function
defined on the signal graphs depended on the amount of data in this section
height dependence (height map). First, we will consider the task of visualizing
a digital surface model (DSM) with a fixed number of blocks and a variable
amount of data in each block. For this task, the maximum number of blocks
depends on the amount of data that is limited by the video card's memory, i.e.
it is a constant. In the sequel, we will consider the task of recognizing
gestures of infants on one block as a comparison of two distributions (video
streams) of a healthy infant and possibly with deviations in the future. In
principle, for speech recognition tasks, the number of blocks can be a variable
parameter, not a constant. In the future, the goal is to solve the problem of
object detection as a composition of these two problems (these two random
processes) with different types of heterogeneity: the number of blocks and the
A block is a DSM data
storage element (similar to the recognition problem), a matrix of size NxN, at
each point of which the height function above sea level and a constant color
code corresponding to the object class,
defined, i.e. a signal graph on the grid is defined. The DSM is represented by
a set of such matrices or a block matrix. At the same time, the block has a
hierarchical structure that is a quad-tree, which reflects different levels of
detail in terms of accuracy. The main specification of visualization is its
application in VR (three-dimensional graphics), that is, in
a Banach space (not points are displayed, but
intervals) and because of this "joints" or "holes" are
formed between blocks, which cause difficulties in implementing rendering
algorithms. They must handle block boundaries in a special way. In Gilbert space
(for raster graphics), there are no such problems.
main difference between the three-dimensional graphical approach and the
standard one used in SDE is that the limit of the step function should be
defined not in the pointwise convergence topology, but in a compact-open topology,
which is done in order to build a continuous display (visualization) from the
point of view of visual perception.
When flying around the DSM,
blocks are loaded taking into account the function of the minimum distance
between the camera and the block, first with the worst accuracy, and then with
improved accuracy. The visualization application is implemented using Web-GL,
with shader abstraction implemented, which is similar to parameter abstraction,
i.e. a shader is a function that depends, for example, on the camera position.
In fact, reactive calculations are implemented at the video card level. Of
course, this direction is interesting, but as already noted, it will not be
Here are the types of
display implemented on the block. The simplest one is a point cloud, which will
not be considered, since
it is not a
display from the point of view of visual perception, which in the Laplace transform
corresponds to the “original”. In Figure 4 for comparison, there are two types
of display that are hardly distinguishable from each other, but with a
different visualization model. On the left, standard polygonal graphics or
barycentric coordinates. On the right, visualization by columns. The column is
a metaphor. This type of display is sometimes called a statistical prismagram (quadrilateral
prism) than is a three-dimensional analog of a diagram. From a mathematician's
point of view, this is the inverse transformation for the "image"
into the Laplace transform, which is what needs to be shown, first by
construction. (Visualization is often considered as a solution to the inverse
problem, but rather we should talk about the solution to the conjugate
Figure 4: Tasks of visualization of a digital
surface model, on the left the surface is depicted by triangles, on the right
he surface is depicted by columns
Figure 5 shows how a statistical diagram is constructed for
the two-dimensional case. A formal description will be given below, but for now
we will limit ourselves to a declarative one using cognitive visualization.
Historically, the term cognitive visualization comes from solving mathematical
problems in a graphical way [23]. A statistical diagram is a directed step
function, a function of height, the expected value of which corresponds to the
middle of the segment, interval (shown by the red dot), which corresponds to
the Stratonovich integral. In three-dimensional space, a two-dimensional
interval, taking into account the detail and direction of the normals, is
usually called a micro-face. For example, in computer visualization,
micrograins are used to display a rough surface. The connection between the
microf the facet and the cone of normals is obvious. Taking into accountthe
level of detail (accuracy), we can consider a multiple Stratonovich integral
with respect to spatial variables (a stationary process), which in the limit is
equal to a double. In addition to the display view, “steps” are also drawn –
partial derivatives (shown by the red segment), which is done for the purpose
of continuity of the display from the point of view of visual perception. It is
worth emphasizing that for the projection on a plane, the double integral of
Ito cannot be drawn by columns, unlike the projection on a sphere or cylinder,
which is planned to be used in the implementation of the wave equation of
rendering as a diffusion process. It is known that for a one-way
transformation, the variance tends to infinity. Of course, it would be possible
to display the height value in a square, but such a drawing does not make
sense. In addition, the perspective projection and affine image transformations
are linear, so they do not affect the variance (for example, for the Alon dispersion),
which is important when interacting directly with the DÛM.
Figure 5: Statistical diagram -
step function
It is worth noting that as
a basic type of display, you choose visualization by columns, because, firstly,
there are many vertical lines (steps) in the DSM, and secondly, the area of
holes is smaller and they are located vertically, and not in a horizontal plane
as in the case of polygonal graphics, see Figure 6.
Figure 6: Artifacts are visible on the left (blue
lines, background colors on the block borders),
and the division into blocks is shown on the right
The question arises whether it is
possible to remove artifacts in the image, for example, by considering the
transport problem at the border of blocks. In the case of polygonal graphics,
the answer is obvious: you can introduce a dummy line (shadow face) on the
border, and take the average value of the height at the point (derivative). Of
course, there are certain difficulties in terms of programming, which we will
not dwell on. However, this approach will not work in the case of visualization
by columns. Figure 7 is shown to compare the artifacts of these two types of
Figure 7: Artefacts at the top for polygonal
graphics, at the bottom for bar visualization
What are the holes in
the case of visualization by columns? This is the integral
metric that is the Wasserstein metric for partial derivatives:
graph node,
internal border of blocks.
Integral metric is more
informative, than a vector field. It is unlikely that mathematicians have
considered the problem of removing holes, probably here you can conjure with the
m Dirichlet distribution or with stochastic control, but such a solution will
still lead to exchanges between blocks.
It is
possible to dispense with exchanges by
approximately re-defining the partial derivative on the boundary symmetrically
down from the previous cells, since the three sigma rule holds for the Markov
inequality, which is a special case of the Chebyshev inequality.
The same approach to DSM
visualization is also applicable for three-dimensional meshes, when instead of
the (graphical) projection filter, a plane cross-section filter (or a sphere
cross-section for the wave rendering equation) is interactively applied, as a
result, it is necessary to determine the Ito formula for filters. In addition,
the grid does not necessarily have to be regular, it can always be restructured
by an octree. In the multidimensional case, a scattering matrix is
which is directly related to the definition of a fully specified random process.
See Figure 8, where instead of the “original” (point cloud), visualization by
columns is used.
Figure 8: Scattering matrix, on the left for a
point cloud [24], on the right for parallel coordinates [25], which can be
considered as a complete differential [26].
This is the end of the
declarative description of the problem, the formalization will mainly be based
the monograph [27] by D. F.
“Some problems in the theory of numerical solution of stochastic differential
equations of Ito”.
Let's start with the introduction
of the Ito integral. To get to the integral, the limit of the sum is determined
in a special way using the step function [4]:
Ito integral
the left end of the segment. It is denoted by:
The function
measurable, consistent, and:
An important property of the Ito integral is that it is a
Stratonovich integral
is used
midpoint of the segment.
You can define
generalization of the Ito integral
in terms of the probability limit:
the step functions such that
in probability (with respect to
It is obvious that the definition
of entropic stability is also a generalization of the Ito integral through the
probability limit. A similar definition is used in [26].
Definition 1.2 A sequence of
random variables
said to converge with probability one or almost certainly to the random
This sequence is also called the
convergent sequence with probability one.
fundamental nature of a sequence of random variables is a necessary and
sufficient condition for the existence of its limit, which is called the Cauchy
Let us consider the difference
between the standard definition of a completely specified random process and
the definition in a Banach space
A random process is considered to
be completely specified if its finite-dimensional distributions or a set of
distribution functions are specified, which are defined for any
the following relations:
The converse statement
established by Kolmogorov is also true:
If the functions
for all
the conditions:
is a joint distribution function
of k
random variables.
identical equality holds
for any permutation
the numbers
then there exists a random
joint distribution functions are:
Thus, the set of joint
distribution functions of values of a random process
its exhaustive characteristic.
If the distribution functions
have a finite mixed
k- derivative,
then there are joint distribution densities of the values of the random
the corresponding time points:
In a Banach space the matrix of
partial derivatives of x, like the covariance matrix, is non-symmetric (the
derivative on the left is not equal to the derivative on the right). For a
symmetric matrix the number of permutations is
for a non-symmetric
matrix it
In general, we should apply Sinkhorn's theorem [21]. A Hilbert space is a Banach
space, hence we can consider symmetric matrices in the limit. In this case,
multiple integrals arise. Obviously, detailing on a single block defines a
compressive map, so we can apply the Banach fixed-point theorem. Gaussian
processes, fundamental sequence centering and Laplace transform are typically
used to solve problems numerically.
A random process is called
process if all its joint
distribution densities are Gaussian:
covariance matrix
The process
is called the centered component
of the process
The function:
is called
a correlational function of the process
of a random process
In order for the function
to be a correlation function of
a broadly stationary
the condition:
it is necessary and sufficient that it admits the representation:
is an arbitrary non-negative bounded monotonically
non-decreasing function that is continuous on the left.
called a spectral function if it is absolutely continuous and
the spectral density
of the process
Obviously, a special case of a
spectral function (for example, RGB) is the Fourier transform. The Fourier transform
with a shift (the exact value does not coincide with its magmatic expectation)
is commonly called the Laplace transform. Thus, the visualization by columns is
the inverse Laplace transform or the conjugate view with the Laplace transform
in a Banach space.
It is obvious that the tasks of
visualizing the DSM can be reduced to a parameterized model of a white-noise
random process [27], section 1.3 considering that
where the number of blocks
a small parameter.
Analysis of the dynamics
of interactive visualization under random external user influences is reduced
to the study of probabilistic and statistical properties of solutions of systems
of differential equations perturbed by random processes (stochastic control).
The system of differential equations for a parametrized model
of a white-noise random process has the form:
The problem of visualizing the
DSM is a stationary linear one (see section 1.3 for more details in [27]) and
therefore is not very interesting from the mathematical point of view.
The development of metaphors for
visualization and interaction conjugated with the mathematical model also has a
certain value. Visualization by a column is not such an elementary metaphor,
taking into account the block approach. In addition, it gives rise to another
metaphor – the integral metric for partial derivatives as an alternative to the
vector field.
In the examples under
consideration, the perturbation in the parameterized model of a low-noise random
process is related to the amount of data: computational accuracy, the length of
the task queue, and the length of messages. From the point of view of automatic
control, the task of visualizing the DSM is stationary linear
task and therefore it not very interesting from the
point of view of mathematics. However, the block approach itself is promising,
because there are more complex tasks, for example the development of simulators
with feedback, the task of detection on a height map, the consideration of
which we will begin with the task of recognizing infant gestures.
There is a considerable amount of
work on the use of neural networks for recognizing behavioral patterns in time
series, including for experiments, but their use does not guarantee that the
problem is solved correctly, especially in cases where validation is subjective
in nature.
On the other hand, the idea of
combining artificial
mathematical intelligence is tempting. In addition to the already mentioned
noise reduction model, it is worth noting
new trend in solving DU, especially inverse problems: neural Fourier and
Kolmogorov-Arnold operators. In fact, we will consider the Cauchy problem, that
is, under what conditions the problem
recognizing baby gestures has a solution.
A multi-leaf skeleton is defined
as a multi-leaf shape (a flat shape with self-intersections) [28]. A nontrivial
problem will be considered when the multi-leaf skeletons of infants are
anatomically similar.
The midline of a plane figure is
a set of interior points of the figure, each of which has at least two nearest
boundary points. Solutions to the traveling salesman problem for Delaunay
graphs (Euclidean minimum spanning tree [18]) are known and Delaunay graphs
(Voronoi diagrams) are also used to recognize gestures (it is assumed that the
distance between the nodes of the graph (multi-sheet skeleton) does not
change). An important assumption for solving the problem is that the node of
the graph (joint) has an area (a problem with uncertainty). In this case, the
midline s obtained as a union of straight and parabolic segments of a plane
figure, for example, for the elbow joint it is schematically shown in Figure 9.
Figure 9: The median axis of the joint (c) is a
concave quadrilateral, the tops of which are connected
by a parabolic
Numerical, sufficiently
accurate construction of the subdifferential in three-dimensional space, as
well as the median axis, is problematic, so another task will be considered.
Namely, the task of finding a list of eigenvalues
linearly independent subsets (neighborhoods of different joints) for a height
map to which the Laplace transform is applied. If two distributions of a
healthy and potentially sick infant are separated, then they must have a
different set of transfer functions (gestures), and therefore eigenvalues. The
distribution is a height map that changes over time. We take two frames that
are close in time, subtract one from the other and get a matrix with a large
number of” zero " elements, which has a block structure.
Apply the Laplace transform to the block. We construct a
transfer function from it, which exists by Sinkhorn's theorem [21]:
a matrix
strictly positive elements, then there are diagonal matrices
strictly positive diagonal elements such that
a doubly stochastic matrix. The matrices
unique modulo multiplying the first matrix by a positive number and dividing
the second matrix by the same number. [21].
A simple iterative method
for approximating a dual stochastic matrix is
scale each row and each column of
in turn to sum to one.
Since the problem on
spanning graphs with uncertainty is considered, it may not be necessary to take
the difference of frames; it is sufficient to find the eigenvalues for an
infinite sequence of frames (for each frame separately).
It can be concluded that
the task of recognizing baby gestures is promising in terms of solution,
although the known mathematical apparatus is clearly not enough.
The authors are also
interested in other problem statements related to the application of stochastic
semantics in the field of visualization, which are both applied and theoretical
in nature. For example, the Ito formula for graphic filters (parallel filtering
of data), consideration of the wave equation of rendering as
a parameterized model of a white-noise random process
(geometric solution).
The authors intend to work
closely with the steady-state perturbed processes in the field of visualization
taking into account the human factor, starting with the implementation of
simple one-parameter tests (graphical filters), the number of which should be
sufficiently large so that it is possible to calculate hidden dependencies
(conditional probabilities) between parameters, for example, using the
Kolmogorov-Arnold theorem or covariance LSM.
try to reduce the problem under consideration to the solution of an ODE system
with interference and non-linearity of the filter composition type. (Although,
in the field of visualization, it is preferable to consider Gaussian perturbed
processes, that is, partial differential equations, since the Fourier transform
and bursts are generally accepted in this field). In particular, it is
necessary to put forward plausible hypotheses in order to determine
context, quality, cognitiveness and perceptivity of information that have a
subjective connotation.
Interactive visualization
can be considered as a random process with an important property of asymptotic
convergence. Therefore, for a professional user, changing a certain parameter
should tend to the optimal value.
Data filtering is
considered a special case of reactive computing. Data filtering is any
operation on data that changes its quantity. Therefore, adding objects and
detailing an image are filters, but suppressing noise in an image is not (white
noise is not an interference). The most widespread is single-parameter data
filtering the so-called slicing [9], for example, sections by a plane (sphere),
or isosurfaces. Thus, parallel sections by a plane have the form:
a spectral function defined at the nodes of a grid (graph), not necessarily
a numerical parameter (number of blocks)similar to time, a fixed length interval
the interferenceassociated with the accuracy of the calculation (measurement)
and the choice of the number of blocks determinative calculations, for example,
interaction implemented using a slider. If we go to the limit with respect to
which tends to infinity,
we get
generalization of the Ito integral through the probability limit (as noted, in
the case of three-dimensional visualization, it is more convenient to consider
the convergence of the fundamental sequence in a separable Banach space).
Let us consider parallel data filtering. From the point of
view of parallel computing, belonging to a certain interval is a sample, which
is convenient to implement as a pipeline. “Pipe” is a standard construction in
the programming language being developed. Then the data must be transferred to
the client computer and be displayed on the screen, this display must be
continuous in a sense, which is the main topic of this section. In essence, this
approach is a formalized generalization of the MVC (Model-View-Controller)
architecture. In particular, the observer pattern in the context of this work
is a stationary perturbed process characterized by the equiprobability of
messages (reactions). In object-oriented programming, the most natural way to
implement reactive computing is to add reactions to the methods and fields of
objects that automatically recalculate values, and other reactions depend on
changes in these values. In order to optimize performance, graph reduction
(syntax tree, Petri net) is desirable; for this, it is necessary to store
history, which leads to additional overhead (noise). In order to simplify the
model, graph reduction will not be considered for now, in addition, data filtering
is a higher-level reduction. If we compare the share of reactive computations
with the share of parallel computations, and the execution of reactions with
the transmission of messages, then in both cases the commonality of
mathematical models is obvious, in particular the parameterized model of a
white-noise random process, and therefore the commonality of syntax in the
programming language. In the MVC architecture, using reactive programming, it
is possible to implement automatic display of changes from Model to View and
vice versa from View to Model. As noted, parallel (distributed) computations
and visualization introduce their own interference.
In practice, a series of
cross-sections with a plane parallel to one of the coordinate planes is most widely
used, due to the simplicity of sampling. Of course, for the chosen values, one
could apply the Laplace transform (which is infinitely deferential), but the authors
intend to reduce the problem to an ODE. Consider the perturbed process by
setting, for example
so that the perturbed plane passes through the middle of the parallel plane. Since
there are two possible intersections, it turns out that the order of variables
is important: the resulting set will be open in
closed in
vice versa. For simplicity, we will consider a lattice (a regular grid) with
the amount of data
The purpose of this analysis is to estimate the amount of data, for example, in
order to reserve memory on the GPU, when applying a cross-section plane filter
(in the general case, an arbitrary filter). Obviously, two options are
possible: projection
of the nearest neighboring nodes
on the perturbed plane (filter), which belonged to the neighborhood
above the plane and in the middle of the plane. In the first case, the
additional amount of data is
which is similar to the Ito integral, and in the second
case it is
which is similar to the Stratonovich integral. We will call this approach an expert
Theorem: Let
a perturbed random process (Ito) with respect to the amount of data. If the Ito
process is a martingale, then for any filter
that is twice continuously differentiable
a martingale.
Let us consider only the proof scheme. Let the filter
be a generating operator (twice continuouslydifferentiable). Further,
as for the one-dimensional Ito formula [4].
consequence of the Ito formula is invariance with respect to the sum of
integrals. An expert approach
in the case of the Ito
process gives the following formula:
which it is not difficult to suggest
the Ito
formula for a filter with a cross-section plane (the derivative of the filter)
Since the value
the amount of datax cannot be too large. For example, when the accuracy of
calculations is comparable to the accuracy of arithmetic operations, a certain
jump will occur in the constantly expanding open set (in this case, a neural
network is said to have retrained), which may give some other interpretation of
the generalized theorem of thermodynamics [15].
instead of the plane section filter, consider, for example, a cylinder section.
The authors' imagination is not so developed that they always use an expert
approach. Is it possible to use the Jacobian (generating, characteristic
(Hessian) operators) instead of the scalar product of the normal and gradient?
It also seems obvious that the Jacobian is a martingale. The direction of the
normal is important for visualization. Considering data filtering as
differentiating a multidimensional random process with respect to a filter has
certain prospects for visualizing multidimensional data (visualization with
uncertainty, displaying the ds-integral) and evaluating computational methods
from the point of view of SDE. Promising areas of stochastic visualization
research: uncertainty visualization, stochastic rendering model (explicit
feature extraction), considering a random process not by the amount of data,
but, for example, by curvature (for example, a perturbed surface of rotation is
given, it is necessary to find a perturbed axis of rotation).
In reactive computing, changing
the interval length will lead to automatic recalculation of the function, for
example, at the nodes of the plane. The formalization is based on the analogy
that reactive computing can be considered as a particular solution of a
differential equation or a phase trajectory in which the initial data
(parameter values) change. (The authors have previously actively used the
concept of a program trajectory [29]). Thus, parallel sections of a plane are a
set of perturbed trajectories, where each plane is a set of perturbed
trajectories. We emphasize once again that discrete time in this case is the
number of planes (the number of blocks). The trajectory taking into account
events will be denoted by
an example of a stochastic
trajectory of a program is shown in Video 1. For comparison, Video 2 shows
a program trajectory (reachability set) that explicitly depends on time -
Video 1: Stochastic trajectory
of a program
Video 2:
time-dependent trajectory of a program (reachability sets)
It's time to move on to the
definition of concepts that have a subjective connotation:
The context (of information) is fully described by
the filter pipeline, the penalty function, and interference. Therefore, a
monotonous task in the sense of a professional approach from the point of view
of DS is a typical parallel pipeline.
Information quality is a relative, non-probability
(fuzzy) entropy (in fuzzy entropy, probabilities are replaced by a membership
function, the value of which is determined by an expert).
Cognitiveness of information is the infimum of
information quality.
Perceptiveness of information is the supremum of
information quality, for which it is assumed that the PSNR (peak
signal-to-noise ratio, where noise is the root mean square error) metric will
be used.
Based on the visualization
examples, we will give some explanations to these definitions.
In such cases, we consider a Dirichlet problem with stochastic
control of the form regulator with incomplete information about the state of
the system-the problem of stochastic control of visual information. It is known
that the exact upper bound must be determined to solve this problem, and
therefore the exact lower bound
is not
interesting in the modeling process.
The PSNR metric is widely used in
the field of visualization, for example, in the noise reduction model, see
Figure 10 [2].
Figure 10: Original image and Noisy
image, PSNR=29.38dB.
For compressed images with
PSNR=40-50dB, the image is considered to be of good quality. Even at a
sufficiently high noise level, a person can determine that the drawing shows a
woman. Therefore, the authors defined the cognitiveness of information as the
exact lower limit of information quality. However, the author is interested in
perturbed processes,
so a more obvious example is
the mapping of a step function.
Imagine displaying a
continuous function with several local extrema on the screen, where the
partition parameter is the number of intervals. Although the cognitiveness of
information is not particularly interesting in terms of modeling, it is likely
that the exact lower bound of information quality corresponds to the minimum of
noise (variance) between the points of local extremes and their projections on
intervals. Since the screen consists of pixels, the exact upper bound will be
defined on
the Polish space (a space
homeomorphic to the complete metric space with a countably dense subset). The
following arguments are aimed at lowering
exact upper bound. You can add a line thickness to the image (Lifshitz
condition) so that it is dense on a finite subset (all thick intervals touch
each other). Such images will be called continuous from the point of view of
visual perception (perceptively continuous). The compensatory function of
human visual perception is well developed, so we can assume that the average
noise value is less than the line thickness. In fact, this is a Bernoulli
distribution. We will call such images compensatory-continuous.
An example of such
images is
Figure 7.
the PSNR metric is used for two close images, it becomes
necessary to fix the image selected by the expert. We will consider the
parameter values corresponding to this image to be optimal, which can then be
clarified based on the test results. Another hypothesis is as follows: if a
person chose a parameter value less than the optimal one, then his left
hemisphere (logical thinking) is more developed, if more, then the right one.
The following is an example of an expert approach in the field of
visualization. The hybrid view was considered for the implementation of the DSM
flyby, but was not used, since the perturbed Gaussian processes coped well with
this task.
The hybrid view of the
display in the center (in the direct view area) has good accuracy (core), but
in the periphery, the accuracy is worse (media). This task is formulated as
follows: maximizing information (visualization quality) with a fixed GPU memory
size. Next, we consider fundamental sequences; assuming that there is one node
of the graph in one graphic primitive. Since graphic primitives occupy
different volumes, this problem statement makes sense.
Modeling is based on an expert approach:
The quality of visualization is equal
to improbability entropy.
An antitone distribution is constructed, see
Figure 11. where
is voxels,
is 3D-textures,
is polygonal graphics, and
is a point cloud.
We define the quality of visualization as a
function of belonging:
Figure 11:
Antitone distribution
the set of core-carrier permutations in a block model. We assume that the
visualization quality of the permutation is higher if the improbability entropy
(maximization principle) is correspondingly higher. The
is an integral characteristic of the fuzziness of
a fuzzy set. It is calculated using standard formulas [31] - this is the
normalized Shannon entropy:
An intermediate goal of
parameter optimization methodology is the development of single-parameter tests.
Let's consider a filter “a
series of layers” Figure 12. A set of transformations of visual representation for
improving the quality of perception “a series of layers” [30] has been developed
and programmed. It allows one to look at the inner part of the surface, and
human visual perception can approximate the surface on empty intervals
(compensatory continuity is considered). It is possible to calculate a metric,
which the authors called the information gap:
the number of blocks (non-empty intervals),
the inner part of the surface and
the outer part of the surface.
Obviously, for a
single-color cylinder, three nonempty intervals are sufficient. In this way,
you can define a random process (interactive visualization) that maps the
number of colors and the curvature of the surface to the number of intervals
and the length of the interval (which can be calculated from the number of
intervals). In other words, the user is given the task to change the number of
layers, which should tend to the optimal one. Thus, you can track three
quasi-objective parameters: the deviation from the optimal number of layers in
(you can also add plane clipping, but one parameter is better to start with),
the number of iterations, which determines the convergence rate, and the binary
parameter (presence) that is
change of
point of view.
Figure 12: Visual image of the
reachability set with added transformations a y-axis clipping and a series of
layers along
The programming goal is to
create a set of such tests. In the context of visual perception, autists know
a certain number of such tests that are not sufficient for modeling: the
sunrise metaphor, motion parallax, and contrast change.
To conclude this section, we
will add a couple of obvious definitions. The combinatorial function (human) in
the case of independent variables (parameters) is described by the amount of
information (the property of information additivity), and in the case of dependent
variables by the Kolmogorov-Arnold theorem, since only continuous maps are
considered. A compensatory function is a weighted sum with variable weights (a
person automatically determines these weights depending on the situation, as
noted above, the Bernoulli distribution can be considered).
For software verification,
as well as for visualization, SDE, information theory, and signal graphs are
used in this work. This approach is called stochastic semantics. It is
important that
the visual process is a parallel
(interacting sequential Hoare processes) from the point of view of
programming and a random process
from the
point of view of mathematical modeling.
Considering problems
related to really big data inevitably leads to the use of a block approach. In
parallel computing, a block can be associated with a processor and the task of
maximizing entropy (performance) can be considered. In the developed dynamic
system of online visualization and parallel computing for geometric
parallelization, it is possible to implement and compare a stationary random
process and a steady-state random process, which have different analytical solutions.
This allows us to conclude that the proposed implementation of the stationary
process has a certain novelty.
Not much has been done in
the field of visualization verification – grid visualization is proposed, which
is considered as a parameterized model of a white-noise random process. The
authors are also interested in other problem statements related to the
application of stochastic semantics in the field of visualization. I would
particularly like to mention the research series on generalized computational
experiment [28].
Of course, this work
cannot be considered complete, but the direction that the authors called
stochastic semantics is obviously promising.
authors intend to deal closely with the established perturbed processes in the
field of visualization, including taking into account the human factor (the
outline of formalization is given in the form of a discussion for the detection
problem and methods for optimizing parameters in reactive computing for
evaluating professional activity).
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