Exploratory data
analysis is a preliminary analysis that identifies the general properties of
data, their internal relationships, patterns, and anomalies. The basic ideas of
exploratory analysis were outlined in the classic book [1]. However, some later
publications (e.g., [2]) attempted to discuss its provisions and put forward
alternative ideas. The results of exploratory analysis usually form the basis
for in-depth data analysis.
Numerous applied
publications demonstrate the relevance of exploratory analysis in all areas
involving the processing of weakly formalized data [3-5].
Heterogeneous data
is one type of such data that often requires initial exploratory analysis. This
data can be obtained from complex, distributed, heterogeneous dynamic systems,
such as cyber-physical systems.
analysis of heterogeneous data often involves solving highly abstract and
weakly formalized tasks. Therefore, organizing effective exploratory data
analysis requires leveraging the cognitive potential of the analyst. The most
effective approach to engaging the human analyst's cognitive functions is
through visualization and visual analysis capabilities [6]. Numerous studies
have demonstrated the successful application of visualization in solving tasks
related to understanding objects or processes of various natures. There are
known examples of application of visual analytics in problems of computational
fluid and gas mechanics [7-9], in solving problems of optimization of
parameters of distributed experiments in high-energy and nuclear physics [10],
in software design [11], as well as for text data analysis [12].
To describe and
solve the problem of visualizing heterogeneous data, an approach based on the
concept of visualization metaphor can be utilized [13]. A metaphor is a set of
principles that describes how the characteristics of the object under study,
such as a set of data, are transferred into a visual model space, which can be
either two-dimensional or three-dimensional. A visualization metaphor consists
of two components that are applied sequentially:
spatial metaphor determines the type and dimensionality of the visualization
space, as well as the arrangement of model elements within it.
representation metaphor specifies the characteristics of the visual image,
which are necessary for visualizing certain properties of the object under
study that are most significant at the current stage of analysis.
Usually, several
representation metaphors correspond to one spatial metaphor. The complexity of
the object being studied and the need for consistent visualization of its
properties and characteristics during research are the reasons for this [14].
Visual data models
should be simple and convenient for analysts to interact with, and the concept
of cognitive clarity is often used to describe this aspect [15]. This concept
refers to the ease of intuitively understanding and interpreting a given amount
of data represented in a visual model. Insufficient cognitive clarity of the
model often leads to difficulties in comprehending the data, incomplete or
erroneous interpretation of certain data elements, and so on. Simultaneously, a
high level of cognitive clarity in the visual model during exploratory analysis
enables the researcher to quickly identify important properties of the dataset,
detect incompleteness and anomalies, and accelerate the identification and
interpretation of patterns and internal relationships.
This paper assumes
that the data being studied has a general structure consisting of a set of
each described by a number of
The description of
each object is an enumeration of the
of some or all of its
It is implied that
objects belong to the same class or at least related classes. In the first
case, this means that all objects have the same sets of properties. In the
second case, it means that the sets of properties for different objects may not
coincide, but their intersection is non-empty. This situation is one of the
possible manifestations of data heterogeneity.
The properties of
objects can be measured on different scales, including qualitative (such as
nominal or ordinal) and quantitative (such as interval or absolute).
Data heterogeneity
can lead to potential incompleteness, which is characterized by missing values
for some properties of all or some objects. There are several types of
incompleteness, including:
objects in the data set may lack a property value due to either insufficient
measurement or a complete lack of measurement reliability.
due to the heterogeneity of the data set, certain objects may not possess one
or more properties that other objects in the same data set have.
Considering the
type of data incompleteness is crucial for effective visual analysis. It
impacts the validity of conclusions regarding the sufficiency of available data
for analysis and the possibility of filling data gaps based on the analysis
The following are
general classes of research problems that may arise when working with such
related to the generation of hypotheses about patterns and relationships in the
data. For example, a hypothesis might involve whether and how two or more
properties are related.
related to selecting a subset of data elements (objects or properties) from a
common data set based on a certain criterion (or set of criteria). Examples are
finding objects with abnormal property values, selecting objects with “good
enough” property values, finding the most informative properties, selecting
clusters of similar objects, etc.
Because of the
potential incompleteness of the data, an additional task that arises in these
classes of problems is to assess the sufficiency of the available data to
achieve the objectives of the study. Another related task is to fill in the
gaps in the available data set with synthetic values that are deemed most
plausible by the analyst.
The proposed
visual analysis technology in this paper can be based on various visualization
metaphors and combinations thereof. The main idea behind sharing visualization
metaphors is to combine their advantages. This is achieved by placing the
visual images of the data in the same visual field, creating a common visual
model of the data that can be perceived as a whole by the analyst. Visualizing
data simultaneously in different aspects increases its cognitive clarity.
This technology is
based on two well-known visualization metaphors, which we will describe next.
The proposed main
metaphor for visualization in visual analysis technology is the
three-dimensional metaphor, as described in [16].
The choice of the
above visualization metaphor is conditioned by the fact that it has the
following properties useful in the context of the task of visualization of
heterogeneous data.
implies placing a set of heterogeneous data in a single “dimensionless” visual
space. This allows the analyst to simultaneously perceive visual images of
initially disparate quantities.
organizes the placement of visual images in such a way that the analyst can
examine the data from two complementary perspectives: first, as whole images of
objects with all their properties, and second, as whole images of properties on
the entire set of objects.
metaphor remains workable in the case of incomplete data under investigation
and, moreover, can be very useful in just such situations.
Modifications to
the metaphor are suggested to enhance its ability to visualize different data
characteristics. The components of this metaphor, including the spatial
metaphor and possible representation metaphors, are described below.
According to the
spatial metaphor, the visual model employs a cylindrical coordinate system to
describe its space. The base of the model consists of parallel planes, with
each plane corresponding to a different data property (Fig. 1). By default, the
properties are arranged in a bottom-up direction, with the first property at
the bottom of the visual model and so on. If any properties are removed from
the display, the visual model will be rearranged to eliminate gaps and remain
centered in the visual space.
Fig. 1. Basis of
visual model and example of visualization of source data
The concentric
circles reflect the various levels of the scale used to measure the
characteristic associated with the corresponding property. Fig. 1 visualizes
three levels for all properties: the “beginning of the scale” (smallest
circle), the “middle of the scale” (middle circle), and the “end of the scale”
(largest circle).
It is assumed that
all quantitative properties are measured on an interval or ratio scale, so
their initial values can be normalized to a dimensionless range from 0 to 1.
Each object present
in the dataset under study is assigned a specific angular coordinate in a
cylindrical coordinate system. This coordinate ensures uniform placement of
objects in the visual model space.
This visualization
metaphor supports a number of representation metaphors, some of which can be
used in combination.
The basic
representation metaphor is responsible for visualizing the basic properties of
the underlying data. It uses the idea of visual markers. A visual marker is a
graphical object that is placed on one of the planes and associated with a
specific data element. This object has the following parameters that can
correspond to different characteristics of the data.
position of the marker
on the scale. In the simplest case, it
can reflect the very value of a particular property for a particular object.
Such a variant of the metaphor is presented in Fig. 1. Another possible variant
implies that the position of the marker reflects the deviation of the value of
the property of a given object from some value. Such a value can be, for
example, the average value of the property for all objects or some reference
value of the property.
the proposed variant of the metaphor (Fig. 1), the marker has the shape of a
tetrahedron. It carries information about the deviation of the property value
of a given object from a given value (in the example - from the average value
of the property for all objects). The marker direction "up" means
superiority over the reference value, "down" - vice versa. Another
option is to use the form to visualize the value of some discrete property of
an object (it can be interpreted, for example, as an object class). In this
case, objects of different classes will have markers of different shapes
(tetrahedron, cube, sphere, etc.).
the variant shown in Fig. 1, the size of the marker is proportional to the
deviation of the object property value from the average value. If objects do
not differ in terms of some property (the values of this property are equal for
all objects), then the markers of objects on the corresponding plane have the
shape of cubes. Also, the size of markers can be responsible for visualization
of deviations from other reference values or for visualization of initial
property values themselves.
Fig. 1, the color of the marker serves as an object identifier. Other ways of
using color are also allowed. For example, color can be used to visualize the
value of a discrete property (i.e., to distinguish objects of different
classes), as well as to visualize the sign and magnitude of deviation of the
property value from the specified value. In the latter case, the sign of
deviation is conveyed by means of hue (red/blue or green/red), and the magnitude
of deviation by means of color intensity.
Further, all
metaphors are described on the basis of the interpretation of marker parameters
that corresponds to the example in Fig. 1. It should be noted that a different
interpretation of marker parameters may entail a different interpretation of
these metaphors.
The visualization
metaphor for object profiles (Fig. 2) gives the analyst the ability to see each
object as a whole. Visual images of profiles are broken lines, the shapes of
which allow to visually assess the similarity or difference of objects in terms
of the balance of values of their properties. This enables the detection of
pairs and groups of similar objects. For example, Fig. 2 shows that the green
and purple objects have similar property profiles (the analyst's eye is quick
to note the proximity of these profiles to mirror symmetry), while the orange object
differs significantly from them.
The visualization
metaphor for property profiles (Fig. 3) depicts each property as a single
characteristic of a set of data. A closed profile visualization aids in
estimating the amount of variation of property values across a set of objects,
as indicated by the degree to which the shape deviates from a regular polygon.
The analyst can also identify objects with anomalous property values. In Fig. 3
it can be seen that in terms of the middle property, the objects are equivalent,
but in terms of the other properties, the objects differ, with the blue object
having an abnormal value on the top property.
Fig. 2.
Visualization metaphor for object profiles
Fig. 3.
Visualization metaphor for property profiles
The visualization
metaphor for deviation from the reference (Fig. 4) illustrates the extent to
which object properties deviate from those of the reference object. The
reference object is typically an abstraction that does not exist among the set
of real objects. In the example depicted in Fig. 4, the reference is linked to
the maximum values of all measurement scales (i.e., the reference object has
the highest possible values for all properties). It can be seen that the orange
object has a high degree of deviation from the reference, while the gray object
is quite close to the reference. Other interpretations of the reference object
are possible. For instance, one could explicitly state reference values for
each property.
Fig. 4.
Visualization metaphor for deviation from the reference
The visualization
metaphor for deviation from the mean (Fig. 5) illustrates the extent to which
an object's properties differ from those of an “average” object, which is an
abstract object with average values for all properties. This can be interpreted
as the degree of atypicality or abnormality of the object. The average value
for a particular property can be calculated using the arithmetic mean,
geometric mean, or median value, depending on the type of measuring scale. In
the example in Fig. 5, not only the values but also the signs of deviations are
taken into account. It can be seen that the object on the right loses to the
“average” object in almost all properties, while the object on the left, on the
contrary, surpasses it. A variant of the metaphor that disregards the sign is
also feasible.
Fig. 5.
Visualization metaphor for deviation from the mean
The metaphor for
object comparison (Fig. 6) simplifies the visual comparison of two objects by
showing how much they differ from each other in each property. In Fig. 6 shows
that the object on the left is strongly superior to the object on the right in
some properties, while being equal or slightly inferior in other properties.
The example considers the signs of differences, but an alternative variant
showing only the absolute value of differences is also possible.
Fig. 6.
Visualization metaphor for object comparison
The visualization
metaphor for data gaps (Fig. 7) draws the analyst's attention to the presence
of value gaps in the analyzed data. The metaphor depicts ‘incomplete’ object
profiles, where sections of profiles corresponding to properties with missing
values are visualized by red lines. These sections highlight the gaps in the
object description and indicate their location. Such a visual image of the data
can be helpful in evaluating the adequacy of the available data for further
visual analysis for a specific purpose. In Fig. 7, the purple and green objects
have very little known data in their description, and there are only isolated
gaps in the description of the remaining objects.
Fig. 7.
Visualization metaphor for data gaps
Concluding the
description of the spatial relations metaphor, let us note its limitations in
terms of the data to be visualized.
the data under study must have the "objects-properties" structure,
which is described in the previous section of the paper.
an obstacle to the use of the metaphor is an excessively high degree of data
heterogeneity, which is understood here as a small number of common properties
(with a large number of unique properties) among objects. That is, it is a
situation in which objects become difficult to compare because they are too
different in nature.
another possible obstacle is excessive incompleteness of data. Although
metaphor can visualize gaps in the dataset, the prevalence of gaps over known
meanings will render visual analysis ineffective.
The technology can
also use a two-dimensional petal visualization metaphor, which was described in
[17], in addition to the spatial relationship metaphor.
This metaphor
creates distinct visual representations of the objects being studied. The
visual representation resembles a pie chart with petals, with the number of
petals corresponding to the number of object properties that are being visualized
(Fig. 8). Typically, the length of each petal is calculated so that the area of
the petal is proportional to the value of the corresponding property, taking
into account the normalization of all values to the unit range.
The resulting
visual image enables a comprehensive assessment of the object at a glance,
including its strengths and weaknesses (if such interpretation of properties is
appropriate in the context of the problem being addressed). Also, this metaphor
provides an opportunity to compare objects with each other, including the
search for similarities and differences between them.
In the above
example, color is used to identify an object (images of different colors
correspond to different objects). Other interpretations of color are also possible:
for example, to identify a property (different properties correspond to petals
of different colors), as well as to visualize the deviation of a property value
from a given value.
When using this
metaphor to visualize incomplete data, it is possible to indicate gaps in the
description of an object by means of a special visual sign, as shown in Fig. 9
(information on one of 7 properties of the object is missing). Other ways of
indicating incomplete data are also possible, but the general principle should
be observed: the display of a gap in the data should not be identical to the
display of a property with a null value.
Fig. 8. Example of
a visual image based on the petal metaphor
Fig. 9.
Representation of gaps in object description based on the petal metaphor
We propose a
technology for exploratory analysis of heterogeneous data using the considered
visualization metaphors, which is presented in Fig. 10. As it follows from the
scheme, the application of the technology involves the systematic execution of
a number of steps. Each stage has its own level of balance between the role of
the analyst and the role of the software in its execution.
Fig. 10. Scheme of
the technology for exploratory data analysis using visualization metaphors
The application of
the presented technology is characterized by a significant degree of
variability and multiple scenarios. The analysis stages' meaning, the number of
repetitions, and the transitions between stages depend on several factors in a
particular situation.
set of initially set (a priori) analysis objectives. Examples of such
objectives are assessment of sufficiency of available data for analysis (this
is relevant in case of data gaps), search for objects with anomalous
properties, selection of the best object or subset of objects in some respect,
results already obtained during the visual analysis process. They can
influence, firstly, the necessity and feasibility of the next iterations of the
analysis, and secondly, the nature of these iterations (i.e., which variant of
the linkage in the technology scheme will be used).
Dotted lines in
the scheme indicate not obligatory transitions between stages. Such transitions
may never be used during the application of the technology – for example, when
solving the simplest analytical problems.
Let us consider
the meaning of the cycles in the scheme. They correspond to different variants
of iterative actions that are performed in the process of using the technology.
The cycle
“Perception of visual image of data” – “Interactive model control”. This cycle
corresponds to the analyst's routine activities that are associated with
solving a specific visual analysis task or subtask. It reflects the analyst's
attempts to come closer to understanding the data under investigation by
interactively manipulating its visual image. The cycle ends when an
understanding (interpretation) of a piece of data relevant to the task at hand
has been achieved. The duration of such a cycle (the number of its iterations)
may depend on such factors as the quality of software support for interactive
control of the visual model, the analyst's preparedness (in particular, the
level of mastery of interactive control tools), and the quality of applied
visualization metaphors.
The cycle
“Perception of visual image of data” – “Data interpretation”. This cycle
reflects the analyst's solution of a number of similar tasks, which are related
to the study of a particular aspect (property) of the data with the help of the
chosen representation metaphor. The process of solving one such task is
described by the cycle discussed above. The cycle is completed when all tasks
within a particular representation metaphor have been solved, i.e.
interpretations of the associated data fragments have been achieved. The length
of time it takes to complete this cycle naturally depends on the amount of data
that is subjected to visual exploration. Because of human cognitive
limitations, the analyst will be forced to divide the research process into
separate acts of perception.
cycle “Building a visual image of data” – “Data interpretation” – “Adjustment of
visual image”. The cycle describes the process of changing the representation
metaphors to solve new types of tasks that arise for the analyst in the course
of data exploration. The cycle ends when all required types of tasks have been
solved (i.e., the goals of the study have been achieved) or when it is
concluded that some tasks cannot be solved under current conditions (e.g., due
to insufficient data).
cycle “Data interpretation” – “Refinement of objectives” – “Building a visual
image of data”. The cycle reflects the possibility of adjusting a priori goals
and objectives of data analysis based on intermediate results obtained during
the analysis. This is usually accompanied by a change in the representation metaphor
due to the transition to a new type of research task.
cycle “Data interpretation” – “Collecting missing data” – “Building a visual
image of data”. This cycle describes the situation of interruption of visual
research due to the impossibility of achieving all or some of its goals. This
may be due to a lack of data, and the analysis can be resumed once the missing
data have been obtained.
The application of
visual analysis technology leads to conclusions about the studied data set. The
form of these conclusions depends on the analysis objectives. For instance,
they may describe detected anomalies in the data or a subset of the most
preferred objects. One form of conclusions may be hypotheses about the data,
such as statistically significant relationships between various indicators.
These hypotheses are subject to further testing by formal methods, such as
mathematical statistics.
Another form of
conclusion is recommendations aimed at improving the validity of the analysis
results. Recommendations may pertain to collecting more data on certain objects
or properties.
applying technology to an incomplete dataset may result in automated filling of
missing values in the original dataset. In this case, values are suggested
based on a hypothesis about the distribution of values in the data, formulated
by the analyst during visual exploration.
Software support
for the technology of exploratory analysis of heterogeneous data is implemented
in the form of a Windows application. This application is developed on the .NET
Framework platform using Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF) technology,
which allows creating applications with rich graphical user interface.
Fig. 11 shows the software
tool interface with a visual model of some data set based on two considered
visualization metaphors.
Fig. 11. The
software tool’s user interface
The application
provides the user with the following options to manage the visual model:
filtering of data elements (objects and properties) to be visualized;
including in any combinations, of metaphors for visualization of object profiles
and property profiles;
of representation metaphors for visualization of various data properties
(deviation of objects from the reference, deviation of object properties from
average values, difference of a pair of compared objects from each other);
of metaphors for visualization of gaps in data (relevant for datasets with gaps
in property values).
An important
feature of the software tool is the calculation of quantitative characteristics
of various elements of the visual model. This provides the possibility to
integrate the implemented technology into the general data analysis pipeline.
Examples of such characteristics are the following:
of object profiles;
(perimeters) of property profiles;
of figures bounded by property profiles;
of figures that visualize deviations of objects from the reference and from the
The software tool
supports saving quantitative characteristics of the visual model for their
analysis by ‘strict’ methods (e.g., using mathematical statistics methods).
This can be done in order to confirm the obtained conclusions and test the
hypotheses about the studied data set.
The developed
application is currently undergoing state registration. In the future, it is
planned to be integrated into the software platform for processing and
analyzing heterogeneous data of cyber-physical systems objects functioning,
created with the participation of the authors, as a subsystem of exploratory
data analysis using visual models. This subsystem is expected to interact with
other analytical subsystems, including for the purpose of building a unified
data analysis pipeline, as well as with auxiliary subsystems responsible for
the implementation of various methods of data collection, storage and
Let us demonstrate
a number of possibilities of exploratory analysis technology. For the
demonstration we will use a test synthetic dataset, the features of which will
allow us to clearly show the specific capabilities of the metaphors used. The
test set is represented by 9 objects, each of which is described by 7
properties. At the same time, several objects have missing values of some
properties, i.e. their descriptions are incomplete.
In particular, we
give examples of objectives such as:
of objects with insufficient data in their description (i.e. objects for which
additional collection of missing data is recommended);
properties that do not carry information useful for analysis (uninformative
of objects that lose out to other objects in terms of the characteristics
of groups of similar objects;
anomalous objects that are not included in the identified groups.
Visualizing the
original dataset using a three-dimensional metaphor produced the visual image
shown in Fig. 12 (left). At the same time, the visual image in Fig. 12 (right)
allowed us to separately examine the objects with gaps in the data and evaluate
these objects for the feasibility of further investigation. Thus, it can be
seen that one of the objects is described by too little data, so its
investigation will not lead to reliable conclusions. At the same time, the
other two objects, even if there is some incomplete knowledge about them, can
be considered further.
The application of
the petal metaphor provides a different perspective on the data set under study
(Fig. 13). The resulting visual images also reflect the presence and location
of gaps in the description of objects.
Fig. 12. Visualization
of the entire dataset and visualization of objects with gaps in the data
(spatial relationship metaphor)
Fig. 13. Visual
image of data indicating gaps in the data (petal metaphor)
The visual image
in Fig. 14 was used to assess the level of informative properties of objects. A
non-informative property is understood here as such a property, by which the
studied objects do not differ or differ insignificantly. Thus, the profile of
one of the properties has the shape of a regular polygon, which signals its
uninformativeness (this is also confirmed by the type of markers on the
corresponding plane).
Fig. 14. Visualization
of property profiles: detection of an uninformative property
After removing the
uninformative property and poorly described object from the visual model, the
remaining objectives were successfully achieved. The visual image in Fig. 15
(left) facilitated the detection of the object with the lowest (minimum)
property values. The metaphor of deviation from the reference associated with
maximum property values was utilized. Therefore, the desired object corresponds
to the figure with the largest area, which can be quickly and unambiguously
identified. Fig. 15 (on the right) displays an image that aids in identifying
an object with the most anomalous characteristics. The figure's area represents
the degree of difference between the object's property values and the average
values of those properties for the entire dataset.
Fig. 15. Detection
of objects with unsatisfactory and anomalous characteristics
Visual comparison
of object profiles was used to identify groups of similar objects. Fig. 16
displays similar objects detected due to the proximity of their profiles to
mirror symmetry. The object with gaps in the description was also included in
this group, as the available information justified this conclusion (Fig. 16,
right). Note that if there are gaps in the description of this object that need
to be filled, it is recommended to use the values of similar objects.
Another group of
similar objects was found in a similar way (Fig. 17).
Fig. 16. Detection
of similar objects, including under conditions of incomplete information
Fig. 17. Detecting
another group of similar objects
Among the
possibilities of interactive control, we should mention a very useful
possibility of rotation of the visual model around its axis. This creates an
animation that helps to quickly identify similar object profiles, select
figures with the largest areas, and more accurately evaluate the shape of
property profiles compared to studying a stationary model. The application of
such a capability corresponds to the inner loop (“Perception of visual image of
data” – “Interactive model control”) in the technology scheme (Fig. 10).
Furthermore, the
quantitative characteristics of the visual model were calculated. The values of
several metrics for each element of the model are presented in Tables 1 and 2.
It is noteworthy that these values corroborate the conclusions about objects
and their properties that were reached during the visual analysis. In the
future, these and other metrics can be subjected to analysis using the methods
of mathematical statistics in order to test the hypotheses put forward about
the data.
Table 1. Examples of visual model
metrics (for objects)
of deviation
Table 2. Examples of visual model metrics (for
The technology was
tested not only on a synthetic data set but also on data from a real
cyber-physical system. Specifically, the experiments analyzed related to
unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) flights and tested the operation of GPS during
flight. Nine experiments were conducted in total, and such data as planned and
actual experiment duration, UAV battery capacity, air temperature and humidity,
atmospheric pressure, wind speed, etc. were collected for analysis.
The dataset was
visualized using the developed software tool. The results of analyzing the
visual model allowed:
out parameters that are not informative for analyzing flight mission models in
the conditions of the experiments conducted;
experiments with an abnormally high value of the actual duration, which, in
turn, allowed us to detect a technical error in fixing the end time of one of
the experiments;
experiments described by identical sets of values, which is also due to
technical errors in fixing their results.
Thus, it is
confirmed that the software tool can be effectively used in exploratory
analysis of cyber-physical systems functioning data.
This paper
presents a technology for exploratory visual analysis of heterogeneous data,
which is based on the joint application of two visualization metaphors. The paper
considers the possibilities of these visualization metaphors and provides
examples of visual images of data that can be obtained using the metaphors.
The general scheme
of the technology is described, and it is shown that the process of visual data
exploration is iterative. The text examines the semantic content of various
iterative actions that an analyst performs during a study.
A software tool
has been developed and tested for working with the visual model of
heterogeneous data, which implements the presented technology. The tool
includes an important functionality for calculating and exporting metrics
(quantitative characteristics) of the visual model. These metrics can be used
for subsequent analysis by other methods to more rigorously test hypotheses
made about the data.
An example of
using a software tool for exploratory analysis of synthetic datasets is
presented to demonstrate the technology's various aspects and visualization
possibilities. The results confirm the feasibility of utilizing the technology
and software tool for real-world visual data analysis tasks. The additional
approbation on the experimental data with real cyber-physical system confirms
the possibility of using the developed technology and software tool for
exploratory analysis of cyber-physical systems functioning data.
studies can be conducted in the following related areas.
of the presented technology on real heterogeneous data from different subject
areas. This will allow to identify the limitations of the technology and
metaphors for their subsequent modernization.
the capabilities of the described metaphors by developing new representation
metaphors for visualization of new indicators and data characteristics,
including systemic ones. It is also intended to expand the composition of
metrics (quantitative characteristics) of the visual model that can be
of the proposed technology through the development of new visualization
metaphors for it (both two-dimensional and three-dimensional), including for
their joint use in various combinations.
of ways to integrate the technology into the general data analysis pipeline,
including the export of quantitative characteristics of the visual model for
further analysis.
This study was
funded by the Russian Science Foundation, project number 23-19-00342,
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