Dynamics of a viscous
incompressible fluid in the region
0 determined by the vector velocity
and pressure field
p [1]:
is fluid density,
is kinematic
The pressure
can be found from (1), (2) up to an additive term, which is an
arbitrary function of time.
As boundary conditions, paragraphs 2 and 3
consider no-slip conditions
In paragraphs 4 and 5, another boundary
condition is valid no leakage
where the vector
is the normal to the
boundary of the flow region
conditions in the tangent space to a manifold
are given by narrowing the exact solutions.
This paper describes various classes of
exact solutions of hydrodynamic equations satisfying (1) – (3) or (1), (2),
(4), previously published in the authors’ works [2–6]. Visualization of these
classes of solutions allows, abstracting from the existing errors of
computational fluid dynamics methods, to analyze the structure of highly
entangled vortex flows. In preparing this publication, the MathGL library
(https://mathgl.sourceforge.net) and ParaView (https://www.paraview.org) were
For the oil and gas industry, the problem
of mathematical modeling of fluid flow in a porous structure is relevant.
Solving this problem opens the way to the creation of a domestic “digital
field” technology [7], aimed at increasing the profitability of the hydrocarbon
production process by controlling the dynamics of hydrocarbon-containing fluids
in a porous medium, including due to thermal effects [8–11] and formation
deformation [12].
The numerical solution of this class of
problems involves the use of supercomputers and specially developed software.
At the same time, calculations are performed with a specially selected set of
fitting parameters [4], unique to the equipment used and the computer software
used. In this regard, it is relevant to create a bank of test examples of
precisely solvable non-stationary hydrodynamics problems in conditions of
complex geometry, the use of which will allow one to verify the calculation
results and evaluate their accuracy. Works [13–21] present the results of
numerical modeling of three-dimensional fluid flows and estimates of their
computational accuracy, and works [22–26] present some classes of exact
The region of fluid flow is a porous medium
where ∂
is a
discrete set of points that are nodes of a certain grid, and the adhesion
condition (3) is satisfied. The grid consists of cells – squares (paragraph 2)
or cubes (paragraph 3), the linear size of which is equal to
By spatiotemporally
replacing, one can obtain a grid whose cells have an arbitrary linear size. Further
it is assumed
Let us consider the exact solution [2, 3]
of problem (1) – (3) in a flat domain
, λ > 0,
denote Cartesian
coordinates. Solution (5) takes place for the initial condition
Fig. 1. Flow structure corresponding to
solution (5) at
The no-slip boundary condition (3) is
satisfied at the points
Fig. 1 at
the flow structure (5). In this case, the entire area is a union of squares
with sides
filling the flow area
these squares, the fluid moves along closed trajectories, with centers at the
boundary points. These closed trajectories are diffeomorphic to two-dimensional
torus, i.e., circles. The centers of the squares are located at the grid nodes
Along their boundaries, the liquid slides
tangentially. The same effect was considered in [27] for the analytical
solution of the equations of magnetic hydrodynamics, while the fluid slid along
the boundary of the parallelepiped.
Let us consider the exact solution [2–4] of
problem (1) – (3) in the spatial domain
valid for the
initial condition
and boundary
condition (3).
In this case, the boundary of the flow
region ∂
are the points
one of the vectors of the
Let us note the
fact that time
affects only the vector length
but not in his
direction. When
different from
zero, the flow decays with time. The
considered by us earlier in [28].
for velocities
the continuity equation
for an incompressible fluid is satisfied
and the field
the stationary Euler equation
Fig. 2
Particle trajectory
against the background of potential level lines
in a plane, orthogonal
to the current value
for two trajectories with different
In [28], we
presented the following method, convenient for visual analysis of such
problems. Let the trajectory plunge into the computational domain over time
along a certain coordinate
Let’s select the
appropriate coordinate axis and, in a plane orthogonal to it, we will construct
potential level lines
for the
current value of the “immersion coordinate.” On the graph of level lines, we
denote the current calculated point with a square, and a number of previous
trajectory points we denote with circles. Let's take such graphs for the
current calculated point and several previous ones and form an animation from
them, which can be used to visually track the dynamics of the trajectory
against the background of the potential, see Fig. 2.
The trajectory of a particle in such an
animation demonstrates a certain smoothly rotating figure that plunges into the
computational domain following the current point of the trajectory. Depending
on the starting point of the trajectory, the figure formed by the trajectory
also changes; in some cases the figure resembles an acute triangle, in others
it resembles a rounded petal, in others it takes on intermediate forms.
Let denote by
non-negative roots of the
sorted by ascending numbers
In this case, there
is an asymptotic estimate at
Considering a three-dimensional region
Let denote
is the
radius ball, i.e.
is the spherical layer
with radiuses
i. e.
The ball boundary
let's denote
i. e.
is radius boundary
For each vector
denoted by the symbol
its Euclidean norm.
Let put
Consider the
vector field
In [5] it is shown that
you can continue in the
class of infinitely differentiable functions
for the entire space
and the theorem is proven:
the vector field
and scalar
is an
arbitrary time-dependent function
Then a couple
is a solution to the system of Navier–Stokes equations
(1), (2)
in the region
Moreover, on the boundary
each ball
the sliding conditions
are satisfied, i.e. formulas
(6), (7)
give a solution
to problem
(1), (2), (4)
in each spatial ball
and spherical layer
definition means that
velocity field
, considered in the region
and spherical layers
tends to zero as
Let's limit
ourselves to the case
then the expression for
will be simplified and take the form
Table 1 Roots of
the equation
is no-flow
In accordance
with the theorem, the conditions of non-flow are satisfied
at the boundaries
of spheres with radiuses
is non-negative roots of
the equation
sorted by
ascending numbers. Multiple values
are given in the table 1.
Visualization of the numerical simulation
results demonstrates “stratification” along the spherical layers. Figure 3
shows trajectory animations for the first and second spherical layers. It can
be seen that the trajectory of the point, which is determined by the vector
field (4) and numerically simulated by solving the Cauchy problem for the
corresponding equation of motion, actually remains within the selected
spherical layer. Note that movement along the vertical axis in adjacent
spherical layers occurs in opposite directions.
From the animation presented in Figure 4,
one can get an idea of all possible trajectories that can be realized in the
inner ball (Figure 4, left) or in the spherical layers (Figure 4, right).
Fig. 3. Visualization of the trajectory.
Left: starting point
defined inside the first spherical layer
near the sphere
Right: starting point
defined inside the second
spherical layer
near the sphere
Fig. 4. Visualization of the dependence
of trajectories on the starting point
The point changes with the value
(position near the vertical axis) to the value
near the equator). On the left is an animation for the inner ball.
on the right – animation for the second spherical layer
is the three-dimensional flow
We will
consider the system of equations (1), (2), (4) in cylinder
and coaxial cylinder
are roots of the equation
ordered in ascending order
are Bessel function of the
first kind of zero order.
Consider the vector field
defined in the area
In [6] it is shown that the function
has a continuation in the
class of infinitely differentiable functions
throughout space
and the
theorem is true:
Let the vector field a
and scalar field
look like
is an arbitrary function
of time t. Then a couple
a solution to the system of Navier–Stokes equations
(1), (2)
in the region
At the boundary of the region of each cylinder
the sliding condition
is satisfied, i.e. expressions
(9), (10)
solutions to problem
(1), (2), (4)
in each cylinder
and cylindrical layer
Vector field
considered in
and cylindrical layers
tends to zero as
The fluid flow corresponding to solution
(9), (10) is also divided into invariant subregions. These are the top and
bottom halves of the cylinder. In Fig. 5–7 illustrate the evolution of the flow
of one point of fluid, considered in the upper half of the cylinder, under the
action of vector field (8). The resulting trajectories, described over time,
are diffeomorphic to torus. For a point taken from the lower half of the
cylinder, the flow structure is similar. It is only necessary to take into
account the symmetry relative to the plane
In Fig. 5 shows the trajectory of the point
taken near the surface of the cylinder at
over time, in Fig.
6 illustrates the configuration of its path at a later point in time.
Fig. 5. Evolution of the flow of a fluid
appropriate (8)
Fig. 6. Evolution of the flow of a fluid
appropriate (8), over time
In Fig. 7 shows
the trajectory of the point
taken inside the top half of the cylinder, over time.
Fig. 7. Evolution of the flow of a fluid
appropriate (8), over time
The article is devoted to the issues of
visualization of numerical and analytical calculations of solutions to
hydrodynamic equations describing the flow of a viscous incompressible fluid.
The use of scientific visualization tools such as the MathGL library (https://mathgl.sourceforge.net)
and ParaView (https://www.paraview.org) allows you to examine the structure of
complex three-dimensional flows in more detail and analyze the results of their
The work was carried out within the
framework of the state assignment of the Federal State Institution
"Scientific Research Institute for System Analysis of the Russian Academy
of Sciences (Performing fundamental scientific research GP 47) on topic No.
0580-2021-0007 “Development of methods for mathematical modeling of distributed
systems and corresponding calculation methods.”
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