Electroencephalogram (EEG)
directionally measures the electrical activity of the brain over the surface of
the scalp. Modern EEG systems use many electrodes (16-256) to determine the
voltage at the corresponding points of the human scalp. Normally, EEG signal
sources are not located directly below a particular writing electrode and detectable
in a distant region or a deep brain structure at some distance from each of the
electrodes. Reverse problem approaches often use numerical models to connect
deep, distant sources with the signals recorded on the surface.
This problem can be deemed topographic or the problem of determining the
local function of the brain immediately below each writing electrode. The
approaches to this problem do not focus on any potential or waveform, but
instead, analyze the background EEG activity at each electrode to analyze the
frequency spectrum and the characteristics of the oscillation function. Instead
of simulating a focal source distant from a specific electrode, this approach
considers the source (s) below each electrode location [1].
The nature of the voltage measurement requires compliance with the
conditions for placing electrodes on the scalp. These conditions include a
sufficiently large voltage, sensitivity to brain activity, and the presence of
noise [2]. Tentative solutions to this problem include averaging the electrode
potential, analyzing bipolar pairs for which the reference effect is obvious,
and evaluating the Laplace operator over the surface of the scalp using local
or global splines. The averaged potential does not depend on the specific
choice of the electrode and at each point approximates the potential relative
to infinity. Thus, the approximation of intervening points between the
electrodes allows obtaining reliable data on brain activity.
One of the factors affecting the accuracy of topographic analysis results
reflecting local brain function is the specific measure of EEG energy selected
for mapping. Two most common energy indicators are absolute power or energy
intensity at the electrode site in a certain frequency band, measured in mV;
and relative power or a fraction of power in the electrode region in a given
frequency bandwidth, measured as a percentage of the total absolute power across
the spectrum. Previous studies have shown that absolute and relative power are
complementary indicators that may transmit significantly different brain
function data [3]. The captured EEG data on brain activity allow applying
methods of nonlinear dynamics to signals, as well as in other branches of
modern science, such as mechanics [4, 5], radiophysics [6], history [7], etc.
Time-series entropy analysis is widely used in EEG studies. Multi-Scale
Entropy (MSE) analysis was introduced in 2002 to assess the time series
complexity by quantifying its entropy at various time scales. The algorithm is
successfully used in various fields of research. After its introduction, a
number of changes and refinements were proposed, some of which were aimed at
improving the accuracy of entropy estimates, while others were aimed at
studying alternative methods of analysis. Basic algorithms to determine the entropy
are presented in the review [8].
According to literary
references, much research is dedicated to the EEG of patients diagnosed with
schizophrenia in accordance with various criteria. The most dangerous symptom
of schizophrenia is probably a violation of the ambient information perception.
Usually, the initial diagnosis of schizophrenia is based on observations of the
patient’s actions, behavioral changes, familial mental history, a previous
level of social functioning, etc. Normally, growth of nonspecific anomalies is
reported. The work [9] states that EEG abnormalities and paroxysmal
dysrhythmias may have a characteristic effect on the prediction of
schizophrenia. Abrams and Taylor [10], using a classification system similar to
DSM-IV, showed that patients with schizophrenia had twice as many temporal EEG
abnormalities on the left side as patients with affective disorders. Classifying
the cases of schizophrenia syndrome based on the analysis of EEG entropy is
often a component of machine learning algorithms [11]. In [12], Shannon
entropy, spectral entropy, approximated entropy, and the Lempel-Ziv index for
the classification of schizophrenia patients were studied. The authors of this work
used the visualization of entropy estimates to determine the most representative
EEG channels, but they did not consider Multi-Scale entropy. In [13],
visualization of spectral entropy was used to show differences in brain
activity between schizophrenia patients and the control group.
Interpretation of EEG
recordings requires knowledge from four relevant sources of information.
Firstly, it takes recognizing and classifying EEG signals with individual
identity and temporal patterns that occur when they reappear. Secondly, it is
necessary to have a theoretical basis for the signal analysis to facilitate the
understanding of both visual and automatic methods. The third requirement
relates to the spatial or topographic features of the EEG. The fourth source of
information is derived from empirical observations of the relationship between
EEG and clinical conditions. Visual recognition of specific EEG samples is much
simpler than their oral description because the eyes and brain are particularly
good at recognizing images [14]. Mathematical methods of signal analysis allow
for quantitative description of EEG recordings, because signal characteristics
are measurable. Thus, visualization of EEG signal entropy analysis combines all
four sources of information about the subject of the study. The paper
introduces an approach to visualize the signal entropy and interrelate the
activity of brain zones, i.e. solve the topographic problem and coordinate EEG
readings with clinical observations.
In this study, the authors elaborated the examination of the ability of
entropy estimates to characterize brain activity zoning in patients with
schizophrenia based on topographic images of the head. Three parameters were
used to clarify possible differences in the entropy estimation: Multi-Scale
Entropy, Sample Entropy, and Approximate Entropy. We analyzed the transmission
of information between different regions of the brain cortex both in patients
with schizophrenia and in the control group by evaluating the cross-correlation
function between the EEG electrodes. This entropy-based visual analysis is considered
useful in the psychiatric examination of patients with schizophrenia. In
addition, the proposed approach can serve as a tool for the early diagnosis of
schizophrenia of students in an educational institution when using robotic
systems as a robotic assistant for a teaching professional [24].
Pincus recommended an
algorithm to determine the approximated
entropy [15]. Approximated Entropy (ApEn) is a
statistic measure to be used for quantitate measurement of signal complexity or
non-regularity [16]. It shows the quantity of fresh information in the signal.
A reliable estimate of the approximated entropy can be obtained by analyzing
short and noise-contaminated signals. A positive number is assigned to time
series with large values, which corresponds to greater complexity or
irregularity of the data. Entropy is determined as:

is data vector increment,
is phase-space mesh size (error).
are defined as:

is the
number of
interval matches with the error of
across the
Richman and Moorman developed
Sample Entropy in order to eliminate disadvantages of the Approximated Entropy
(ApEn) [17]. Approximated Entropy (ApEn) considers signal self-similarity. Sample
Entropy (SampEn) is the probability that
sequence coincides with another data sequence for the signal with the error of
, that stays the same if the data within the
sequence are increased by
. Sample
Entropy (SampEn) is determined from the following formula:

is the
probability of two coinciding datasets for
with error of
is the
probability of coincidence of two datasets for
points with error of
Thus, Sample Entropy (SampEn) does not consider self-similarity, avoiding possible
ln(0) problems, with logarithmation at the latest step. SampEn is less
dependent on data formatting than ApEn. This makes SampEn algorithm useful for
smaller data volume.
A method to evaluate Multi-Scale
Entropy (MSE) is suggested in the paper [18]. For the given discrete time series
, the
sequence is determined from the simplified time series
the scaling parameter
. Source time series is divided into
long non-overlapping windows. The values are
averaged for each window afterward. Thus, each element of the simplified time
series is determined as:

For the first scale, the time series
equivalent to the original time series. The length of each time series
corresponds to the length of the original time series divided by the
scale parameter.
measure of entropy for each simplified time series is evaluated as follows:

is data vector length increment,
is phase-space mesh size (error),
is the
probability of recurrence of the data sequence having the given length within
the input data.
The equations to
determine the spherical entropy spline over the skull surface were obtained
similarly to the spline of potential presented by Ferry [19].
We assume that the
is the
vector to determine the position of the measuring electrode on the spherical
scalp surface, at that,
determines entropy at this point (regarding reference point). Spherical spline to
estimate the entropy
determined as follows:

data-relevant constants;
is the cosine of the angle between the
interpolation point and
is determined as follows:

Legendre's polynomial.
In order to realize the
‘10-20%’ layout system (Fig. 1) the head size is measured longitudinally from the
nasal bridge (‘nasion’ point) to the inion (‘inion’ point) and transversely
between two auricular tubes. These sizes are taken as 100% (separately for each
direction). Afterward, nominal ‘meridians’ are drawn from the frontal to the occipital
region and transverse ‘parallels’ through the vertex as a percentage. At the
distance of 10% from the initial points (nasion and inion), the bottom line of electrodes
is installed, other electrodes are installed in the points of intersection of
‘meridians’ and ‘parallels’ at the distance of 20% from the full length
longitudinally and transversely. Lead points are lettered according to the initial
letters of the region names. Left hemisphere points have odd numbers. Midline electrodes
are indexed with z (Fz, Cz, Pz) and called sagittal (S – sagittalis). Ear-clip
electrodes are lettered with A (A – auriculus; A1, A2). [20]

Fig 1. Electrode Installation ‘10-20%’ Layout System.
The subjects of the
study are adolescents at the age of 10 to 14 years. The first group consists of
45 schizophrenic boys at the age of 10 to 14 years, diagnosticated under the
criteria listed in [21]. The subjects underwent no medication before the study,
so the EEG results may be considered unaffected. The second group included 39 sane
boys at the age of 11 to 13 years. EEG of the adolescents is recorded at rest, with
eyes closed.
To record EEG, we implemented
the ‘10-20%’ layout system using 16 electrodes: O1, O2, P3, P4, Pz, T5, T6, C3,
C4, Cz, T3, T4,F3, F4, F7, F8 at the electrode impedance below 10 kOhm, sampling
rate of 128 Hz, and bandwidth of 0.5 to 45 Hz. Two experts eliminated head and
eye motion artifacts manually. The measurement took 60 seconds. EEG source
signal database is publicly available online: http://brain.bio.msu.ru/eeg_schizophrenia.htm
Average entropy in
channels for two subject groups is shown in Fig. 2. The following parameter
values are used in the calculation:
. The
order of magnitude for the Approximated Entropy (ApEn) is
, that
is characteristic of long signals
. The
average entropy values for schizophrenic (sch) and control group (norm)
subjects are too close to each other, precluding the subject classification. Sample
Entropy (SampEn) shows more consistent results as a result of self-similarity
consideration. By the way, multiple diagram intersections for schizophrenic
(sch) and control group (norm) subjects occur. These intersections disallow
using this method for subject classification. Multi-Scale Entropy has shown the
best results, having intersections only for O1 channel.

Fig. 2. Channeling of Approximated Entropy (ApEn), Sample
Entropy (SampEn) and Multi-Scale Entropy (MSE).
We used the estimated
average entropy values to plot diagrams (Fig. 3) visualizing brain activity determined
in the following channels. For the
Approximated Entropy (ApEn) (Fig. 2 a) topographic images of schizophrenic
subjects and control group are similar and unrepresentative. For Sample Entropy
(SampEn) (Fig. 2 b) and Multi-Scale Entropy (MSE) (Fig. 2 c), topographic
images are asymmetric. For schizophrenic subjects, substantial lateralization of brain function is detected in the frontal region of the head.
This correlates to other studies [22]. Authors of an MRI-based study also
report observable deficiency of brain activity in the left hemisphere of schizophrenic
subjects [23]. In our study, we determined hypoactivity in both left and right
brain hemispheres, i.e. lowering of the complexity of EEG signals is observed
in the entire brain, this representative sign was also mentioned in [12]. Visualization
was performed in MatLab software package.

Fig. 3. Topographic Images of the Average Values a) Approximated
Entropy (ApEn), b) Sample Entropy (SampEn) and c) Multi-Scale Entropy (MSE).
Comparison of the
images of EEG signal entropy obtained by Multi-Scale Entropy is indicative of the
apparent difference between cortical activity in the control group and the schizophrenic
subjects. We used the cross-correlation function to estimate this difference
and determined the cross-correlation of the subject- and channel-averaged
entropy. Fig. 4 shows the visualization of the cross-correlation function for
both groups. Numbers (1-16) on the axes correspond to the following channels:
O1, O2, P3, P4, Pz, T5, T6, C3, C4, Cz, T3, T4, F3, F4, F7, F8.

Fig. 4. Cross-Channel Correlation a) In Control
Group, b) In Schizophrenic Subjects.
Analysis of the
cross-correlation function allowed selection of electrodes with the highest
values: 1-4(O1-P4), 4-9(P4-C4), 4-10(P4-Cz), 4-15(P4-F7), 4-16(P4-F8) for
control group; 1-7 (O1-T6), 1-12 (O1-T4), 2-10(O2-Cz), 2-12(O2-T4), 2-13(O2-F3),
3-13(P3-F3), 3-14(P3-F4), 5-12(Pz-T4), 5-15(Pz-F7), 9-16(C4-F8) for
schizophrenic subjects. Thus, lowering of the cross-correlation entropy in the
left hemisphere of the schizophrenic subjects regarding the right and in the left-front
brain region regarding right-back one was detected. These results confirm a
hypothesis that regional brain activity mismatch may cause schizophrenia. Fig. 4
shows the channel areas with the biggest cross-correlation as A1-3
and B1-3 for control and schizophrenic groups, respectively. Regions
are located similarly, but A1 and A2 dilate regarding B1
and B2. A1 region dilates because of the
cross-correlation in the 5-8 (Pz-C3), 6-8 (T5-C3), and 7-8 (T6-C3) channels, while
A2 region dilates because of the cross-correlation in the 6-14
(T5-F4), 7-14 (T6-F4), and 8-14(C3-F4) channels. Location of the C3 and F4 channels
above the left and right brain hemispheres is indicative of the better regional
intercommunication in the control group than in the schizophrenic subjects. The results of this study can be used in hardware-software
complex of the anthropomorphous robotic assistant for a teaching professional
(HSC ARATP) [24] to
assess the student's current emotional, psychological and physical condition.
Authors proposed the
visual analysis method combining
the advantages of topographical and cross-correlation analysis. This
approach allows determining the most
representative method (among the studied ones) to evaluate signal complexity
and interrelate the activity of the regions and brain regions.
This study has shown
that entropy visualization is useful to classify subjects of EEG examination. The
most representative results to classify schizophrenic subjects and control
group are obtained using Multi-Scale Entropy (MSE) method. Visualization of the
average EEG channel entropy gives a metric for lateralization of brain function.
study is performed with assistance of the RF Ministry of Science and Education
(the agreement on providing a subsidy No. 14.577.21.0282 from 1 October 2017,
the unique project identifier is RFMEFI57717X0282, the Federal Target Program
“Research and Advances on the Priority Directions of Development of a
Scientific and Technological Complex of Russia for 2014-2020”.
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