This paper presents the results of computational
experiments on cluster analysis for multidimensional information arrays.
Multidimensional information arrays represent text information, being in
digital form the frequencies of joint use of words from different parts of
speech (for example, noun + adjective). To obtain such a multidimensional
array, an analysis of text collections is carried out. As a result, for a
300-dimensional array constructed in this way, we consider 300 points in a
space of 300 dimensions. This work is a continuation of the works [19-26] and
largely uses algorithms, results and developments from previous works.
At the present stage, the study and analysis of
multidimensional data volumes is becoming an extremely urgent task. Analysis of
multidimensional data has been a pressing problem for quite a long time.
Methods of data analysis and visual analytics were developed for such studies.
The use of these methods makes it possible to practically learn the structure
of the studied volume of multidimensional data, see its cluster picture,
determine areas of data condensation (clusters), etc.
The study of multidimensional data has formed a
new interdisciplinary field of research known as visual analytics (Visual
Analytics). Visual analytics is a set of methods and approaches aimed at
analyzing and visually representing multidimensional data regardless of the
nature of their origin. The main concepts of visual analytics are presented in
the first works on this discipline [1-4]. Approaches and methods of visual
analytics allow solving a number of practical problems of studying
multidimensional data. Such problems include data classification, cluster
detection, identification of key defining parameters, establishment of relationships
between key parameters, etc.
To display a multidimensional volume of data into
lower-dimensional manifolds embedded in the original volume, approaches of
self-organizing maps have been developed [5-7]. Such maps also include the
so-called elastic maps (Elastic Maps). The theory of elastic maps was developed
by A. Gorban and A. Zinoviev together with colleagues and is described in
sufficient detail in works [8-14]. Elastic maps have found quite wide
application in practical analysis of multidimensional data, and in various
fields - analysis of economic data, analysis of minerals, analysis of medical
data, etc. Examples of studies are presented in works [15-18]. The most
important property of elastic maps is the ability to successfully use them for
any multidimensional data regardless of the nature of their origin. Elastic
maps acquire particular efficiency in solving problems of cluster analysis of
multidimensional data when used together with the principal component analysis
(PCA). Displaying an elastic map and its scan in the
space formed by the first three principal components in clustering and
classification problems allows more accurately and clearly determining the
cluster structure of the studied multidimensional data volumes. Figure 1 shows an
example of an elastic map unfolding onto a plane located in the space of
principal components with coloring by data density. Such a representation
allows one to determine the cluster structure of the studied volume of
multidimensional data
without using special clustering algorithms.
Fig. 1.
An example of an elastic map and its development
onto a plane with coloring by data density.
Of great importance is the application of
elastic map construction to the problems of multidimensional text data analysis.
This direction appeared from the need to solve practical problems of cluster
analysis and is becoming increasingly relevant. The application of elastic map
construction to the problems of multidimensional text data analysis was first
implemented in practice by A.E. Bondarev and V.A. Galaktionov at the Keldysh
Institute of Applied Mathematics of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Arrays of
frequencies of joint use of various parts of speech obtained from text
collections were used as the studied volumes of multidimensional data. The
results of the studies are presented in detail in [19-26].
However, in the process of solving the
problems of cluster analysis of multidimensional information volumes, one
extremely important circumstance was revealed. The fact is that the picture of
cluster distribution in a multidimensional volume of text data obtained in
numerical experiments exists only on the expansion of elastic maps in the space
of the first two principal components. Determination of specific intracluster
and intercluster distances should be carried out on digital data. Such data are
the coordinates of the points of a multidimensional volume in a
multidimensional space. However, as shown by the works [24-26], the
determination of intracluster and intercluster distances based on the initial
coordinates of the points of a multidimensional space does not give reliable
results. To obtain the required distances, it is necessary to use the distances
on an elastic map, which reflects the cluster portrait of the studied
multidimensional data volume.
work is devoted to this direction of research.
Elastic maps are a logical development of Kohonen maps. The
ideology and algorithms for constructing elastic maps are presented in detail
in [8 - 14]. Such a map is a system of elastic springs embedded in a
multidimensional data space. The elastic map method is formulated as an
optimization problem that involves optimizing a given functionality from the
mutual arrangement of the map and data.
According to [8 - 14], the basis for constructing an
elastic map is a two-dimensional rectangular grid G embedded in a
multidimensional space, which approximates the data and has adjustable elastic
properties with respect to stretching and bending. The location of the grid
nodes is sought as a result of solving an optimization problem to find the
minimum of the functional:
│X│ is the number of points in the multidimensional data
is the number of grid nodes,
are the elasticity coefficients responsible for
the stretching and curvature of the grid, respectively;
are the terms responsible for the properties of the
is a measure of the proximity of the grid nodes to the
are the subsets of points from
which the grid node
is the closest:
The term
represents the measure of
the grid stretch:
The term
represents the measure of
the curvature of the mesh:
Varying the elasticity parameters involves constructing
elastic maps with a sequential decrease in elasticity coefficients, due to
which the map becomes softer and more flexible, most optimally adapting to the
points of the original multidimensional data volume. After construction, the
elastic map can be unfolded into a plane to observe the cluster structure in
the studied data volume. On the unfolded plane, the distribution of data
density by the elastic map can be displayed by coloring. In some cases, such
coloring can be very useful. Elastic maps are especially effective when used
together with the principal component analysis (PCA). Displaying the elastic
map and its unfolding in the space formed by the first three principal
components allows for a sharp improvement in the results, especially in
clustering and classification problems. The use of elastic maps allows for a
more accurate and precise determination of the cluster structure of the studied
multidimensional data volumes.
The described approach was applied many times to
multidimensional text data arrays. Multidimensional data obtained from text
collections and representing frequencies of joint use of different parts of
speech were considered. For example, 300 nouns and 300 adjectives. Adjectives
were considered as dimensions, and nouns as points in the space of dimensions.
That is, 300 points in a 300-dimensional space were considered. Figure 2 shows
a typical view of the elastic map.
Fig. 2.
Typical appearance of an elastic frequency map
of joint use.
Previously, in previous works [20-26] it
was shown that the approach of estimating intercluster distances by
constructing hyperspheres in the space of the initial data does not provide the
desired result. All numerical studies were conducted using two types of metrics
that define the distance between objects - the Manhattan metric and the cosine
metric. To estimate intercluster distances, it is necessary to construct other
methods of estimation. Based on the results of works [20-26], it was concluded
that the problems with studying cluster properties are associated with the fact
that the initial qualitative information about clusters is taken from the
elastic map scan, and the initial coordinates of points in multidimensional
space are used for calculations. It was decided to use the coordinates of the
annotated points on the elastic map scan in the future due to the fact that
they directly reflect the cluster picture of the studied data volume.
The real data were obtained from text
corpora of news information. To obtain information from text corpora, the
procedures described in detail in [20] were used. To obtain the required
multidimensional arrays, groups of combinations of "noun + adjective"
were used. 300 nouns and 300 adjectives were selected. The frequencies of joint
use of a noun and an adjective in each studied multidimensional array were used
as a digital value. Thus, as in previous experiments, we were able to consider
adjectives as coordinate dimensions in a multidimensional space, and nouns as
points in this space. 300 points located in a 300-dimensional space were
considered. In this way, 5 multidimensional arrays were constructed - for March
2005 , for April 2005, for May 2005, for May 2006 and for May 2007. The first
three arrays make it possible to track the evolution of the cluster structure
of the multidimensional volume after a month. The third, fourth and fifth
arrays allow us to trace the evolution of the cluster structure of the
multidimensional volume over a year. For all arrays, elastic maps and their
scans in the space of the first principal components were constructed.
The computational experiments included the
construction of elastic maps and their developments at different moments in
time, the selection of clusters, finding their centers and radii. Let us recall
that in this problem the Euclidean metric was used to determine distances, the
center of each specific cluster was determined as the arithmetic mean of the
points included in this cluster. The distance from the center of the cluster to
the most remote point of the cluster was chosen as the characteristic size of
the cluster.
Let us begin our consideration of the
results of the computational experiments with the elastic map sweep for the
time moment 2005-4 (April 2005). Here in the multidimensional data array on the
lower right edge of the elastic map sweep there are two clearly defined
clusters, shown in Fig. 3, where a fragment of the sweep containing these
clusters together with their calculated centers is shown in close-up.
Fig. 3.
Lower right edge clusters for
the studied multidimensional array at time 2005-4 with cluster centers.
Figure 4 shows
a fragment of the elastic map scan with annotations, corresponding to the time
point 2005-5 (May 2005) with two clusters along the lower right edge and
cluster centers.
Fig. 4.
Clusters of the upper right edge
for the studied multidimensional array at the time 2005-05 with cluster centers
and radii.
The most
distant points after calculating the distances from the cluster center are the
points "AUTHORITY" and "MILITARY". According to the results
obtained, in this case a small area of cluster intersection is formed, but not
a single point of the studied array of multidimensional data falls into this
Now let's look
at the results for the time point 2006-05. Figure 5 shows the elastic map
unfolding with annotations corresponding to the time point 2006-5 (May 2006).
Annotated expansion of the
elastic map at the time 2006-05.
Here in the multidimensional data array on
the right edge in The upper and lower parts of the elastic map scan have two
clearly defined clusters. The clusters of the upper part are shown in Figure 6.
Fig. 6.
Clusters of the upper right edge
for the studied multidimensional array at the time point 2006-05 with cluster
Figure 7 shows the lower right clusters at
time 2006-5 (May 2006).
Fig. 7.
Lower right edge clusters for
the studied multidimensional array at the time point 2006-05 with cluster
The presented results show that in the
considered cases there is no intersection of clusters and the emergence of
“controversial” points.
Let us consider the cluster picture at the
time point 2007-05. The annotated expansion of the elastic map is presented in
Figure 8.
Fig. 8.
Annotated expansion of the
elastic map at the time 2007-05.
Three clusters are formed in the upper part
of the right corner of the elastic map development.
Their appearance is
shown in Figure 9.
Fig. 9.
Clusters of the upper part of the right corner of the elastic map
scan at the time of 2007-05 in the form of circles and their centers.
Now let's imagine the lower part of the
right corner of the elastic map scan for the same time 2007-05. Here the
picture is presented in Figure 10. It should be noted that in this case the
clusters have a more elongated shape than in the previous cases.
Clusters of the lower part of the right corner of
the elastic map scan at the time of 2007-05 in the form of circles and their
It is here that we encounter a situation
where clusters constructed according to the rules we have defined intersect. In
this intersection, the larger cluster includes the "extra" points
"CAPITAL" and "ORGAN", as well as the points of the second
smaller cluster. The result obtained shows that the rules for constructing
clusters in such cases must be adjusted so that they can take into account
"stretched" clusters that are far from the shape of circles.
Elastic maps, when presented in a sweep
onto a plane formed by the first two principal components, allow one to see the
cluster picture of the studied multidimensional volume. An array of frequencies
of joint use of different parts of speech (for example, "adjective +
noun") obtained from text collections is used as a multidimensional
volume. To analyze the cluster structure, the coordinates of the points of the
multidimensional volume obtained from the sweep of the elastic map are used.
The mutual arrangements of clusters arising at different moments in time are
considered. Clusters are presented as circles. To construct the radii, the
principle of choosing the distance from the center of the cluster to its most
distant point was used.
As a result of the computational
experiments carried out, it can be stated that:
- the use of elastic maps and their scans
is an effective tool for an analyst when studying multidimensional text
- the procedures for constructing clusters
and their mutual arrangement must be improved in such a way that they can
reflect “extended” clusters, problems of cluster intersection, and problems of
cluster nesting;
- it is necessary to develop, on the basis of
these procedures, a clear methodology for the application of elastic maps and
their scans to the analysis of the cluster structure of multidimensional
information data.
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