The fluid mechanics
of single-phase flows uses a number of various methods of flow diagnostics including
single point methods [1–3] and a wide class of
contactless ones as well [4–13]. The latter, in
turn, is divided into single point methods, first of all optical ones (e.g., LDA
– laser Doppler anemometer [4–7]) and various
modifications of the so called “field methods” [8–14]
particular based on stroboscopic tracer visualization of flows. The latter allows
obtaining of the instantaneous flow pattern what is of principal importance for
the visualization and diagnostics of non-stationary turbulent flows [15–17] or that ones, containing large-scale vortex
structures [18–22].
To measure
the kinematic parameters of the gas medium using optical methods, tracer
particles (of submicron and micron size) are introduced into it, and their mass
and volumetric concentration is negligible. If the condition of the smallness
of the relaxation time of the particles is observed in comparison with the
characteristic scales of the carrier medium, the instantaneous velocities of
the tracer particles will be almost equal to the velocities of the gas [23].
particle image anemometry method is based on determining the displacements of
tracer particles added to the flow and illuminated by a laser "knife".
This method has an internationally accepted name PIV (Particle Image Velocimetry).
The light source is usually a pulsed laser. In the experiment, a cross-correlation
chamber is mounted perpendicularly to the laser knife direction and generates two
images after a short period of time for the subsequent determination of the
velocity field. For aerodynamical tasks, mist or microdrops of glycerin are the
most commonly used trace particles.
paper considers the processing of experimental photos based upon the standard cross-correlation
algorithm the main idea of which consists in the following. The area of measurements
is split into a number of elementary cells in which the average displacement of
tracer particle images is calculated [24]. The parameter of the particles images
density (Ni) on experimental frames is of great importance for data
processing by PIV algorithms due to its essential influence upon the accuracy
of the instantaneous fields of velocities. The optimal density of particle images
in a cell under calculation can significantly reduce the measurement error, since
a larger number of trace particle pairs increases the clarity of the
correlation peak [11]. In experimental images of the non-stationary vortex structure
the density of particles images can vary within a wide range.
1 An example of the real distribution of the particle concentration in the
vortex core
Fig. 1 two characteristic examples of the view of a non-stationary vortex structure
are shown: (a) almost total absence of
particles (Ni
and (b) - increased concentration of particles (
Further, based on the artificial particles generator, various approaches to the
experimental frames processing are considered.
is possible to estimate the possible contribution of different densities of
tracer particle images to the definition of vector maps using a software
generator of artificial particles [25]. This software generates an image with a
black background at a given resolution, onto which groups of white pixels are randomly
applied with the aim of imitation of real particles in a flow. As initial established
data for particles the following parameters can be distinguished: characteristic
diameter and the deviation of its averaged value, the countable number of
artificial particles in the frame, velocity of displacement etc. The main idea of
using this software consists in obtaining of particle images with a given
displacement for further processing with the use of PIV algorithms.
order to find rational parameters for processing experimental images of vortex
structures, various cases of seeding the flow with tracer particles were
simulated. In Fig. 2 a collage of images with a different countable number of
artificial particles is shown. Ones having characteristic diameter of 3 pixels are
given as tracer particles. The displacement across the “knife” is not taken
into account; the brightness of tracers is constant (Fig. 2).
2. Generated images of particles (artificial frame 1000x1000 pixels): (a)
– 103
particles; (b) – 104
particles; (c) – 5·104
particles; (d) – 105
particles; (e) –5·105
simulation of particles displacements is implemented for the case of a flat
solid-state rotation; the distribution of velocities is linear, from the center
to peripheral areas (Fig. 3).
3 Initial image of particles (a)
and the vector map of a given turn
Fig. 3 a segment (1/4) of particles image is shown, for clarity of rotation,
the images in the cross-pair are superimposed on each other. Then, the optimal
division into calculated cells is selected for the resulting image. As it is known
[11], the size of a calculated cell affects the spatial resolution of the
method. On one hand, the low number of initial calculated cells causes the low
number of vectors. On the other hand, large number of cells results in the losses
of data It should be noted that the well-known method of overlapping calculated
cells equal to 50%, although leads to a larger number of vectors, but does not
qualitatively affect the spatial resolution of the method. In this paper we consider
the instance of basic splitting of a pair of frames into calculated areas
without overlapping areas. In Fig. 4 vector maps with different splitting of
the original image into calculated areas are shown. The most typical partitions
of the calculated grids into cells were selected, such as: 32x32, 64x64, 128x128
pixels. The number of the given grid elements can directly affect the quality and
amount of the information about the object of investigations.
4. Number of given vectors at various dimensions of the calculated area (artificial
frame 1000x1000 pixels): (a) – artificial frame; (b) – 128x128 pixels; (c) – 64x64
pixels; (d) – 32x32 pixels
Fig. 5 the selected results of the PIV-algorithm application to artificial
images with the fixed concentration of particles are shown. For clarity,
examples of low concentration are given and the effect of vector loss is shown.
5. Using of the cross-correlation algorithm of image processing at a low concentration
of particles: (a) – 128x128 pixels;
– 64x64 pixels; (c) – 32x32 pixels
summary graph of the number of vectors found depending on the concentration of
particles in the frame is shown in Fig. 6.
6. Number of vectors determined
6 shows that for low seeding by tracer particles splitting into large
calculated areas is optimal (e.g., 128x128 pixels), but in this case the
spatial resolution of the PIV method is lost. When decreasing of the calculated
area and retaining of the low concentration of particles, the loss of vectors
can reach 90% and 65% for 32x32
64x64 pixels, respectively. The optimal initial number of particles for vector maps
determination (provided that good spatial resolution is maintained) are countable
particles concentrations from 104
(for frames of 1000x1000 pixels).
other things, the countable concentration of particles in the frame affects the
quality of the vectors found. Here we consider the small dynamic range corresponding
to the task of studying non-stationary concentrated vortices with low
velocities (up to 10 m/s). An estimation of the deviation of vectors found from
the initial ones obtained by the PIV method at various particles concentrations
is shown in Fig. 7.
7 Deviation of values of vectors found from the initial ones
standard cross-correlation PIV algorithm follows from the assumption about the linear
displacement of particles, and the deviation of the vectors found from the
actual flow velocities is greater for essentially twisted flows. Within the framework
of the task considered, the curvature of the current lines and the size of the
calculated areas should be taken into account. At the optimal countable concentration
of particles (104) and calculated cell size as well as the good
spatial resolution the deviation can be of 2% and lower. Note that within the range
of particles concentrations 104
– 105
the quality of
vectors determined does not change actually.
an example, real fragments of the vortex structure with different
concentrations of tracer particles are shown (Fig. 8à, 8b). Below are given fields of velocities with regular splitting into
calculated areas of 32x32 pixels. In Fig. 8 (c) an example of vector loss caused
by the insufficient seeding is shown, and inn Fig. 8 (d) the vector map is
completed by the vectors with aid of the data interpolation.
8 Using of the fixed calculation area of application of a fixed computational
domain 32x32 pixels; the images belong to one and the same series of frames for
different moments of time: (a),
(b) – images of the vortex structure; (c), (d) – fields of velocities.
should be noted that for one vortex structure, the concentration of particles
changes significantly at different times, for example, in the vortex funnel
region, what leads to the loss of vectors. Using of the linear interpolation, in
turn, allows completing a vector map by a number of vectors for the estimation
of such parameters as the circulation and center of rotation.
paper shows various examples of experimental photos processing, provided that
the resolution of the images is preserved. Estimates of measurement errors and number
of the vectors lost at various splitting into calculated areas and different
countable concentrations of tracer particles are given. The results of determination
of real vortex structures are also given. The results obtained may be of interest
for the tasks of processing of experimental photos of twisted flows with
variable concentrations of tracer particles. Using of the generator of artificial
particles, in the opinion of the authors, enables the simplification of the
determination of the calculated cell size in order to obtain the maximum amount
of information about the object under investigation in conditions of complex
seeding by particles tracers in a real experiment.
The work is supported by the Russian
Scientific Foundation (Project ¹ 20-19-00551).
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