Научная визуализация

Scientific Visualization

Электронный журнал открытого доступа

Национальный Исследовательский Ядерный Университет "МИФИ"

      ISSN 2079-3537      


Научная визуализация, 2021, том 13, номер 4, страницы 111 - 126, DOI: 10.26583/sv.13.4.09

Spherical Lenses for Virtual Optic Experiments

Авторы: V.A. Debelov1,A, N.Yu. Dolgov2,B

A Institute of Computational Mathematics and Mathematical Geophysics SB RAS

B Novosibirsk State University

1 ORCID: 0000-0002-7577-4700, debelov@oapmg.sscc.ru

2 ORCID: 0000-0001-5622-3586, nikitabrn1999@gmail.com



While the mathematical modeling of optical phenomena, a computer calculation is often performed, confirming the conclusions made. To do this, a virtual computer model of the optical installation is created in the form of a 3D scene. Also, virtual scenes are often used in training when creating presentations.

This paper describes computer models of spherical lenses and the calculation of interaction of linear polarized light rays with them. It is focused on applications that use ray tracing. It is known that light of any polarization can be represented on the basis of the mentioned one. The reflected and all rays passing through the lens that arise due to internal reflections are calculated from the ray incident on the scene object. The number of internal reflections is set by the parameter. All output rays are calculated based on the application of Fresnel’s equations and are characterized by intensity values and polarization parameters.

We selected spherical lenses since they are most often used in optic installations. They are constructed on the basis of the application of the set-theoretic intersection of geometric primitives: a half-space, a sphere, a cone, a cylinder and their complements to the scene space. An advanced user can build their own objects by analogy, for example, cylindrical lenses.


Ключевые слова: optical experiment, virtual scene, spherical lenses, optically isotropic objects, linear polarized light.