In solving a wide range of scientific problems related to
geometric modeling, computer animation, image processing, simulation of
physical processes and visualization of the results of numerical experiments,
the signed distance function is used to describe the shape of bodies [1]. The
body geometry
with a boundary
(fig. 1) is specified
by a function
that takes positive values
in the external subdomain
and negative values in
the subdomain.
inside the body. The zero
corresponds to the body boundary.
Fig. 1.
Determination of the signed distance function for the sphere surface.
The absolute value of the
function is equal to the shortest distance to the body boundary:
the problems of numerical modeling of liquid and gas flows
it is usually used to
reconstruct the boundaries of obstacles moving in the flow on the elements of
the computational grid [2] and adapt the grid to the current position
In the latter case, the
unit gradient vector becomes an additional adaptation criterion
The values
can also be the
coefficients of the equations of the mathematical model [f.e., 3]. The visualization
of the results of computational experiments here includes the display of the
body surface moving along the calculated trajectory.
In terms of requirements for the accuracy of the determination
the area of numerical
modeling is conventionally divided into three zones (fig. 2). The minimum
error should be ensured near the body surface, where it affects the accuracy of
(zone A) and is equivalent
to the error in determining the coefficients of the equations of the mathematical
model (zone B). In zone C, the values
and components of the
are used only as criteria
for grid adaptation, which makes it possible to increase the level of
acceptable computational error.
Fig. 2. Allocation of
zones in the area of solving the problem.
Methods [4-6] based on the
numerical solution of the transfer equation are usually used to simulate field
during displacement
The body's trajectory is set
by the instantaneous velocity.
The approach is relatively
easy to generalize to the case of deformation
but has a number of
significant drawbacks from the point of view of modeling the motion of solid
bodies. So, even with numerical integration (1) using high-precision methods,
the accumulation of errors leads to a gradual distortion of the boundary. An
additional obstacle for the practical application of software implementations
of the corresponding algorithms can be their high resource intensity. In
addition, the values of the required function are determined at the nodes or
centers of the cells of the computational meshes. Therefore, the search
at an arbitrary point is
associated with interpolation, which leads to a loss of precision.
Theoretically, analytical algorithms should provide the maximum
calculation speed
with a minimum error.
However, for bodies whose surface consists of many curved faces, the derivation
of an explicit functional relationship between distance and coordinate is a
serious problem. In this case, a discrete body model is considered.
The surface
is approximated by a set of
The time it takes to calculate the distance to a discrete model
depends on its dimension (the total number of polygons) and the efficiency of
the data ordering method used.
In computer graphics, the signed distance function is considered
as an implicit representation of solid and deformable surfaces in algorithms
for constructing voxel and polygonal object models [7], as well as in
algorithms for generating images using the ray tracing method [8]. In this
case, the function field is set on regular or adaptive grids, where exact
are stored at the vertices,
and approximate values at arbitrary points are calculated by interpolation over
cells [9-11]. This algorithm is characterized by a time-fixed error and high
performance, but in its pure form it is not applicable in the calculations of
physical processes. The maximum error in determining the signed distance in
zones A and B is equal to several percent of the step of the computational
mesh. Therefore, the number of cells and the amount of data describing the
structure of the interpolation grid can go beyond the limitations of the size
of the geometry representation.
In this paper, a combined approach to computation of
is presented, which combines
interpolation and finding the distance to a discrete surface model. The
fundamental possibility of its use in numerical calculations is shown in [12]
by the example of modeling two-dimensional flows. Details of the implementation
of the combined approach in three-dimensional case are discussed below. A
description of an algorithm for generating adaptive interpolation grids and an
algorithm for calculating the signed distance to triangulation is given.
Examples and parameters of grids for initialization of the signed distance field
in problems of visualization of surfaces and modeling of gas-dynamic flow
around solids are presented.
Spatial triangulation is one of the main approaches for body
boundaries discretization. The surface
is approximated by
which consists of
oriented triangles:
Triangle orientation condition means compliance with the order of
listing its vertices (e.g., counterclockwise from the side
that can uniquely
determine the direction of the unit outward normal
to the plane of the
triangle. In turn, at any point
the vector of the
angle-weighted unit pseudonormal can be found
The direction of the pseudo-normal is calculated as the sum of the
incident normals with respect to the triangles
taken with angle
coefficients [13]. For
located strictly inside
the triangle (fig. 4a), the coefficient takes on a value
and the pseudonormal
coincides with the normal to the plane of the triangle. The angle coefficient
at the points located on the edges of the triangulation are equal
(fig. 4b). In this
is codirectional with the
vector of the sum of the normals of two triangles adjoining along the edge. If
coincides with the
triangulation vertex (fig. 4c), then the coefficients are equal to the
angles at the vertex.
a) point inside the triangle
b) point on the edge
c) the vertex of the triangulation
Fig. 3.
Determination of angle coefficients.
The signed distance from
to triangulation
is calculated by the
is the point closest to
on the triangulation
surface. The direction of the gradient vector is given as
The basic algorithm for determining
involves finding the
minimum in absolute value in the process of sequentially calculating the
to each of the triangles.
In optimized algorithms, exhaustive search of triangles is eliminated by
preliminary sorting the data according to the geometric principle. Ordering
allows you to constrain the traversal to the triangles in the nearest
Sorting objects based on k-d trees [14], which are a kind of
binary search tree, is efficient for problems of finding the minimum distances
in space. The principle of constructing a k-d tree consists of a recursive
bisection of the solution space by planes perpendicular to the coordinate axes.
The triangulation
is immersed in a box whose
edges are parallel to the coordinate axes. The bounding boxes is taken as the
construction area of the k-d tree and becomes its root. The orientation and
position of the partition planes of the tree nodes are chosen so that the
descendants appearing as a result of decomposition contain an equal number of
triangulation vertices. Recursive bisection of nodes continues until the
specified number of vertices is reached or is interrupted by the constraint on
the maximum tree depth. At the end of the procedure, lists of triangles belonging
to them are made for the leaves. A triangle refers to a tree node when it is
partially or completely inside the box associated with that node. Triangulation
elements intersecting with the faces of boxes of several nodes are included in
the lists of each of them.
Fig. 4
shows an example of uniform triangulation of the surface of ballistic model
HB-2 (fig. 4a) and the partition of its triangles at the level of the leaf
nodes of the k-d tree (fig. 4b). The geometric model of the body is taken
from [15]. The triangles at the intersection with the borders of the leaves of
the tree are filled in black in fig. 4b.
a) surface triangulation
b) triangulation
4. Ballistic model HB-2.
The search procedure
implements descent along a
k-d tree by recursively calling the node processing function [16]. The order
and necessity of traversing the parent's child nodes are set depending on the
current status of the problem solution. Leaf node processing consists of
sequential calculation of the distances
to the triangles associated
with it. The starting goal of the search is to determine the tree closest to
the leaf
. The minimum in absolute
value of the signed distances to its triangles becomes the radius of the local
search area centered on the point
Further, when descending
the tree, only those branches and leaves that intersect with the local search
area are considered. If the distance between the point and the next processed
triangle is less than the radius of the area, then its size is correspondingly
reduced. It should be noted that, in the general case, the box associated with
the node k-d of the tree coincides with the minimum bounding box of the set of
triangles belonging to the node only at the root of the tree. The bounding
boxes of triangles intersect due to the presence of common elements, but, as a
rule, they have a smaller volume (fig. 5). Therefore, from the standpoint
of reducing calculations more efficient is the intersection checking unit and
the local region search using triangles bounding boxes.
a) boxes obtained as a result of recursive bisection of the tree
b) bounding boxes of triangles belonging to the nodes
Fig. 5.
Variants of geometry of the boxes associated with the leaves of the k-d tree.
If we assume that the
resource intensity of the determination procedure
is proportional to the
number of processed triangles
then the acceleration from
using a binary search tree can be estimated by the value of the coefficient
The number of triangles
depends on several factors:
the shape of the triangulated surface, the method of decomposition of the nodes
of the k-d tree, and the specific location of the point
in relation to
The minimum amount of
computation in the search for
corresponds to the variant
of descending the tree with testing triangles only containing the point
leaf node. The probability
of the location of a point and the nearest triangle inside one leaf increases
located near
Therefore, it can be
assumed that in the vicinity of triangulation, that is, in areas where high
accuracy of calculation
is important, the
acceleration coefficient
will also increase.
a) function field
b) distribution
Fig. 6.
Distance to the surface of the ballistic model HB-2.
Fig. 6
shows the distribution of values of the function
and the acceleration
on the outer side of the
surface of the ballistic model HB-2. In this case, there is no unambiguous
relationship between the value of the coefficient and the distance to the
surface. However, in the illustrations, you can see that the value
decreases as you move from
the boundary along the rays, the origin at points
and the direction coincides
with the vector
The combined algorithm implements an accelerated procedure for
determining the approximate values of the signed distance function with a
controlled loss of accuracy. The solution area is filled with an adaptive mesh
consisting of cubic
cells. The grid nodes store the values of the signed distance function to the
and the components of the
gradient vector
The grid cells are divided
into two types: interpolation (subdomain
and model (subdomain
a) general view
b) grid structure in the middle section
Fig. 7.
An example of constructing a grid for a bullet.
Fig. 7 shows an example
of an adaptive grid for computation with respect to the axisymmetric surface of
the bullet. The body boundary consists of cylindrical and conical surfaces with
a diameter of 8 to 15.5 mm. Bullet length - 34 mm. Red color in fig. 7b
shows a subdomain of model cells.
The way to calculate the values of the required function at a
depends on the type of a cell:
Within the interpolation cell, the signed distance function is
replaced by a polynomial
are determined from the
at the cell nodes
(trilinear interpolation). A similar interpolation approach is used to
reconstruct the gradient vector components. Inside the model cells, the signed
distance to the surface triangulation is explicitly calculated.
The generation mechanism
consists in hierarchical
isotropic refinement of cubic grid cells (step
That is, the grid has an
octree topology with two types of leaf cells. The structure
is limited to the maximum
grinding depth at the level
(cell edge
Decomposition of cells in
the process of constructing the grid extends to compliance with predetermined
interpolation error conditions
The function
describes the relationship
between the acceptable computational error and the signed distance to
triangulation. A level cell
that does not satisfy condition
(2) belongs to a subdomain
In addition, tree branches
become model cells if, after their recursive splitting to the level
no descendant of the
interpolation type appears.
The estimation of the interpolation accuracy is realized by comparing
the values
at the nodes of the
control grid (step
Thus, checking the
fulfillment of condition (2) in the level
of cell includes comparing
the exact and approximate values of the function at
points. The set of points
of the control grid can be supplemented with a list of coordinates of the
vertices located on the surface and in the immediate vicinity of the
An interpolation grid is generated in a body-related coordinate
system. The choice of its origin and directions of the axes takes into account
the shape of the body. For example, for an aircraft, the origin of the
associated coordinate system is placed at the center of mass, and the
longitudinal, vertical, and lateral axes are determined by the aircraft design.
The current position of the body is set by the coordinates of the center and
the directions of the axes of the associated coordinate system in the
coordinate system of the computational domain (fig. 8).
8. Positioning the body in the computational domain.
axes of the linked coordinate system are displayed in blue, and the axes of
the computational domain coordinate system are displayed in black.
a signed distance to the surface of a moving object involves transforming
coordinates, calculating a distance, and reverse rotation of the gradient
vector. Geometrically, the situation can be interpreted so that
moves along the
computational domain together with
From the point of view of performance, the bottleneck of the
combined algorithm is the local transition from interpolation to explicit
within the subdomain
of model cells. An indirect criterion for assessing the size
and efficiency of using the
combined grid can be the ratio of the volume of the subdomain to the
triangulation area
that the model type cells are grouped near the surface of the body, the
should correspond to the
thickness of the transition zone to work with triangulation. The actual volume
and distribution pattern of
the model cells depend on the shape of the surface under consideration, the
triangulation step, orientation
relative to the edges
the basic step
the refinement depth
and the type of function
With an increase in the
decomposition depth, the volumes of prisms obtained by stretching the surface
triangles along the perpendiculars to their planes are gradually excluded from
Model cells are grouped
mainly at the vertices and edges of
as well as near the
bisector planes of acute dihedral angles (fig. 9).
a) general view
b) the pattern of the distribution of cells near the vertex
9. An example of the distribution of model grid cells for calculation
relative to the box
due to cell refinement
leads to an undesirable increase in dimension
that is, the total number
of cells in the grid. This problem is partially solved by using multiple grids
to calculate approximate values
Generation of a separate
in the vicinity of each of
the surface features makes it possible to locally maximize the step
For a set of nested grids,
the order of their initialization and traversal is specified. Subdomains of
intersection with previously constructed grids are excluded from the generation
region of each subsequent grid. The cells in them are assigned a model type
without testing the interpolation accuracy. A similar order of walking is
observed when searching for a distance to the surface.
Fig. 10 illustrates an example of the layout of a quad of
nested grids for determining distance relative to the surface of an aircraft.
with high-density cells
surround the engines. The grid
contains the object and its
immediate vicinity. The last grid
with the maximum cell size
is used to interpolate the distance in the far-field region.
Fig. 10.
An example of the layout of a set of nested grids.
combined approach to calculating the signed distance field is implemented as a
library of subroutines for systems with multicore processors (CPUs). The
library includes modules for constructing a k-d tree, calculating the signed
distance to triangulation, a module for generating and visualizing
interpolation grids, as well as directly implementing the combined algorithm.
The procedure for determining the approximate values of the signed distance
function works with its own data structures, the initialization of which is
carried out in a preliminary stage. Thus, the software implementation of the
combined algorithm without any modifications is added to the codes of both sequential
and parallel programs for the numerical simulation of physical processes and
data visualization. In MPI applications, all processes of the group read the
topology of the interpolation grid and the description of the triangulation,
after which the problem is solved in a sequential mode. To parallelize a loop
on a multicore architecture with a search for distances to the surface at a
given set of points, it is enough to add the corresponding OpenMP directive to
the program code.
Below is a description of two examples of generating interpolation
grids. The first grid is built around a simplified cruise missile model to
determine the signed distance function field in numerical calculations. The
second grid contains a sphere of unit diameter and is used to render the
surface on the elements of the mixed mesh.
The appearance of the cruise missile model is shown in fig. 11.
a) front view
b) rear view
Fig. 11.
Surface model.
geometric parameters of the object and surface triangulation are given in tab. 1.
Number of vertices
Number of triangles
Bounding box
10 x 5 x 2
Triangulation step
Surface area
The area of construction of
the interpolation grid is an enclosing box of the model with the edges
increased by the diameter of the rocket body (
The piecewise function of
the admissible interpolation error is:
corresponds to the
thickness of the turbulent boundary layer on a flat plate at an incident flow
and environment parameters
at an altitude of 10 km. Other parameters of the grid generation are given in
tab. 2.
Grid generation area
11 x 6 x 3.2
Basic step
Minimum cell edge length
( )
Interpolation accuracy testing step
( )
A general view of the grid
constructed to determine the values of the signed distance function is shown in
fig. 12. Like the surface model, the grid has a symmetric structure with
respect to planes
Therefore, for clarity,
the illustrations show a quarter of it against the background of the rocket
surface. The outer boundaries and structural features of the subdomain of
interpolation cells are highlighted in green, and the subdomain of model type
cells is highlighted in red.
12. General view of the grid.
In total, the
grid contains 5541528 leaf cells, of which 18.5% belong to the subarea of
explicit calculation of the distance to triangulation. A visualization of the
distribution of model cells near various parts of the structure is shown in fig. 13.
The thickness of the zone of the model cells is
In this case, the maximum
distance from the surface to the cell of the model type is 0.206421. The
illustrations show that the outermost cells are located along the bisector
planes of the dihedral angles between the surfaces of the body and wings. The
averaged coefficient of acceleration of the search for the distance to
triangulation in the centers of mass of the model cells takes on a value
that is approximately 3
times greater than the average value of the coefficient over the entire region
of grid generation.
a) the nose
b) the wing
c) the tail, side view
d) the tail, rear view
13. Visualization of the zone of model cells.
performance of the software modules and the actual accuracy of interpolation
were estimated by the results of determining
at the nodes of a uniform
orthogonal grid. The mesh is built inside the grid generation region and
contains more than
vertices that do not match
the points of the interpolation accuracy check at the grid generation stage. Average
ratio between the actual and the specified calculation error
by the mesh vertices that are inside the interpolation cells is
That is, the interpolation
error does not, on average, exceed 6% of the threshold value. However, grid
generation with discrete accuracy testing in the general case does not
guarantee strict observance of the given computational error. In 197 vertices
belonging to the
subdomain, the actual
interpolation accuracy is lower than the specified one. The maximum value of
is fixed at
The interpolation error
here is 1.1% of the absolute value of
instead of the specified
0.5%. In turn, the maximum error absolute value
corresponds to
or a deviation of 0.68%
from the absolute value of
These results are comparable in accuracy with another approaches
(for example, [6]) to calculating the signed distance function to the boundary
of a moving body of complex shape. It is also worth noting that we are talking
about finding the values of the function at arbitrary points in space, and not
about modeling the change in the field on some mesh.
The use of the combined algorithm reduces the computation time by
more than 300 times compared to the time to find the exact distance to surface
triangulation. The body geometry description (k-d search tree structure,
surface triangulation, and interpolation grid topology) takes up 250 MB of disk
The second example demonstrates the possibility of using the
combined algorithm in computer graphics. The problem of reconstruction and visualization
of the surface of a unit sphere on the elements of a mixed mesh is considered
(fig. 14). A quasi-uniform mesh with a step
fills the volume of a cube
with an edge length of 1.8 (fig. 14a). It consists of 24881 vertices and
77442 elements: 5684 hexahedrons (highlighted in blue in fig. 14b), 57316
tetrahedrons (highlighted in yellow), 12818 triangular prisms (highlighted in
green), and 1625 quadrangular pyramids (highlighted in red).
a) mesh area and boundary discretization
b) the structure of the mixed mesh in the section
Fig. 14.
Quasi-uniform mixed mesh.
The parameters of the interpolation grid for finding the signed
distance relative to the spherical surface are given in tab. 3.
Grid generation area
2 x 2 x 2
Basic step
Minimum cell edge length
( )
Interpolation accuracy testing step
( )
The function definition
error is limited to 5% of its absolute value:
The boundary of the object in this case is described analytically
That is, the interpolation error is tested against exact values
Since the experiment assumes the use of a grid solely for the
purpose of visualizing the surface, then all leaf cells of the
level, regardless of the
final calculation error, are assigned an interpolation type
The grid structure in the
center slice is shown in fig. 15.
Fig. 15.
The structure of the interpolation grid in the center slice.
visualization of the sphere boundaries on the elements of the mixed mesh is
performed in two ways. The first method is analogous to voxelization. The
surface is approximated by the outer boundary of the set of mesh elements that
are entirely inside the sphere. The second method is based on the use of the
level set method. The boundary is reconstructed with a polygonal mesh
corresponding to the isosurface
In order to increase the degree of image detail, the original
conformal mesh
is twice adapted (meshes
to the spherical surface
(fig. 16). The adaptation mechanism consists in hierarchical isotropic
refinement of elements with the addition of new vertices at the midpoints of
the edges, at the centers of quadrangular faces and volumes of hexahedra. The
adaptation area is formed from cells, the vertices of which are located on
opposite sides of the sphere surface.
- single refinement
- two refinement steps
Fig. 16.
Mesh structure after adaptation.
signed distance field specified at the mesh vertices is initialized by
interpolation over the cells of the generated mesh. To build a polygonal mesh
and visualize the surface, the TecPlot toolkit [17] was used.
The contours of the sphere, obtained as a mapping of the outer
boundary of the set of mesh cells inside it, are shown in fig. 17. Mesh
adaptation improves the accuracy of the surface reconstruction, but even in the
general plan, all images are noticeably different from the original object.
Fig. 17.
Visualization of a spherical surface by the boundary of a set of internal
mesh cells.
The second visualization
method with the approximation of the sphere boundaries by a polygonal mesh
gives a better result (fig. 18).
18. Visualization of a surface based on a polygonal mesh.
Moreover, the difference between the surface reconstruction on
different grids is visually practically indistinguishable. Numerical estimation
(tab. 4) shows that the maximum distance from the vertices of the
reconstructed surface to the actual surface of the sphere decreases after each
step of the volume mesh adaptation. At the same time, the deviation of the
polygonal mesh area from the surface area of the displayed object is also
Table 4
Maximum distance
Square deviation
This example confirms the
possibility of using the software implementation of the interpolation approach
in problems of visualization of solid surfaces.
This paper describes a combined algorithm for determining the
signed distance to the boundaries of moving solid bodies. The accuracy of the
presented algorithm does not depend on the shape of the body and the parameters
of the trajectory of its movement. The combined approach can be used both in
numerical calculations of physical processes and for visualization of objects,
the geometry of which is specified by the signed distance field. The software
implementation of the algorithm is characterized by increased performance and
without additional modifications can be added to the codes of sequential and
parallel applications. A further direction of work is to implement an
interpolation procedure using high-order polynomials.
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